Contents in this blog have been collected from various
websites, blogs, threads and forums that were written by Lou Baldin, and were published
between 2006 and 2008. This material is raw and unedited and has not been reviewed
by Lou Baldin.
The Universe
is no end to the universe ---the human mind cannot grasp these things.
is one universe that is so forever that its edge will never be discovered, but
there are infinite dimensions---some may say that dimensions are universes,
works for me.
is a huge galaxy we reside in even our best cosmologist have no idea just how
big it is. Earth is a very small detail in the huge picture called a universe.
any mere mortal comprehend the size of a single galaxy let alone the size of a
universe with gazillions of galaxies in it?
of us have a difficult time managing two or three people.
idea that the universe has always been is harder to swallow than the existence
of one all-powerful god----or that ETs are real, or that we are intelligent
humans get comfortable with something and would rather die that give it up.
idea of a perpetual universe would throw monkey wrenches into many beliefs
(religious and secular), overturning the whole concept of what matter is.
body you reside in is like a universe----every cell renews itself and every few
days you have a completely new body-----the universe is the same it constantly
renews itself.
as far as why----no particular reason-----because there could be an infinite
number of reasons----and yet not enough to satisfy everyone.
our galaxy there is no shortage of any material and those with the technology
can harvest whatever they need------indefinitely.
universe is so large that the edge will not be found by human instruments,
planets and stars are created every second in every galaxy.
there is no tossing the dice as Einstein once said of god. ET doesn’t toss the
dice either.
the human mind can imagine----and that is not much-----is being played out in
millions of star systems throughout the galaxies.
say the least----galaxies are never ending wonderlands-----created for us.
did not come into being-----it has always existed and it will never cease
existing. Energy existed forever-----we are energy-----energy can changed into
many things but we have always existed in one form of energy or other.
have energy vortexes on Earth.
and planets are being created by the billions as we speak----a process that has
no beginning or ending----new stars and planets replace dyeing ones.
nearest star to earth is only four light years away----no human will ever visit
that star while alive or in a human body----way to far----can you grasp the size
of the universe? ----the best human minds can’t-----the universe is thousands
of times larger and more complex than any human mind can imagine-----the
possibilities are endless-----the ability to comprehend those possibilities
while residing in a human brain are finite.
whole idea of random is nothing but a human toy----something to play with while
in this playpen called earth.
solar systems are isolated for many reasons, which would fill hundreds of
libraries if written down. Most solar systems have limits but that still leaves
billions that don’t.
is created by the life force that is made up of ET, humans and all other
intelligent beings in the universe.
is no unexplored part of the universe
do you describe something without end----infinite works but then how do you
describe infinite? ----the human mind will not accept concepts that are called
infinite because there is nothing infinite in our limited three dimensional
existence on this planet-----so I use terms like really, really big, even a
thousand times bigger than what we believe it is, is pretty dang big----and
nearly impossible to comprehend. It took hundreds of years for the reality that
the earth moves around the sun to sink in----and some people are still not
convinced because it’s obvious that the sun rises and sets, and if the earth
moved we would feel it-----it’s a conspiracy.
is a mysterious energy at the top of the heap but like the size of the universe
is unknowable so is this energy.
energy at the top encompasses much of everything and remains indefinable, and
if one chooses to call that energy god it certainly is not the god clumsily
portrayed by us humans in our books and literature.
is a lot of energy at the center of the mind-boggling universe that humans will
never be able to see from here on earth.
center of the universe and the center of each galaxy emanates mind boggling
positive and loving energy---have you notice that earth and our solar system is
in the outer reaches of all that positive energy---it’s no coincident that we
are so far away.
Is there a consciousness which looks
or is aware of the whole world/universe/infinity? It’s difficult to see the center of
our galaxy because there is so much energy and other stuff going on—the center
of the universe is more crowded with mindboggling energy and it’s difficult to
see if there is only one power or billions of them having a good old time.
those who know never give a straight answer---but they hint, and what I can
make of it there are many individual entities at the party.
Energy of love (center of the galaxy)
is where all the souls come from; what happens in reality?
exact formula is kept in a secret vault.
of the ETs based around this solar system have not even seen the center of the
universe--and yes there is a center---they know that much.
is at that center few at these levels know---we are free to call it god if we
wish—or not---we will not be judged on our beliefs.
is only one of millions of penitentiaries in this galaxy, there are also
holding pens on some of the moons and planets in this solar system---from
minimum security to extra maximum security---there are some real monsters in
is a heck of a lot of stuff in our solar system---how many of us can do Disney
Land in three days? There are several lifetimes’ worth of stuff in our solar
system alone.
you only knew just how many possibilities there are; just imagine an
atom---what magic keeps it going virtually forever?---all those electrons
flying around a nucleus at mind boggling speed---for those that can wrap their
minds around that---they will get a glance at eternity--that’s how long most of
us will be around.
humans have lots of theories and conjecture---but few if any facts, about our
solar system.
knows more than anyone here on earth that a massive amount of love emanates
from the center of many galaxies because that’s where many enlightened souls
reside---and certainly that would be true at the center of the universe as
well---but the source of that energy has not been explained to me in a way that
I would do justice in my explanation of it here. There is a very large energy
that emanates from the center of the universe but Milton doesn’t say one way or
the other what it is.
you look at your desk it seems like a solid surface to you---yet there is
nothing solid about it, the human mind sees solid---the Milton mind sees a
variation of energy---and he can play it like a piano----ultimately even what
we perceive as energy---is not even that---we have entered into the freaky
zone----mind over matter stuff, the physical universe is missing a lot of
matter for it to make any sense to our scientists---our great minds.
galaxy in the universe is like a synapse connecting to other galaxies and
dimensions--the universe is a huge schizophrenic brain---yet it remains perfect
in every way---it is us at these low levels that are out of sync.
is going on in the center of galaxies is beyond human comprehension, the center
of the universe and beyond is that much more so.
to Milton there is no “pinnacle [of existence]’ ----can any human mind grasp
that little nugget?
galaxy is nearly twice as large today as it was a year ago---lol----no one
knows how big and fantastic it really is----we humans lack the technology to
see our galaxy and assume and speculate about its true size and shape, and the
theoretical numbers change frequently.
whole universe and its infinite dimensions is a heaven if you will, just
because many on earth don’t feel like they are is such a place does not negate
that fact. Earth is at one level of it, some can call it hell if they wish.
large part of this galaxy is way beyond fantastic yet how many here on earth
know that?
will always be more questions than answers because of the immensity of this
eternal life in this huge universe. Most of us are in kindergarten and wish to
understand college algebra.
answers to all the mysteries in the universe are in plain sight of
everyone---but so few take the time to look.
we just incapable of seeing the existing dimensions of Saturn and the other
planets or we being deceived?
one is being deceived most everyone likes the bubble provided for us.
universe as far as physical beings “human types”, is concerned is
infinite---there is no edge to it and none will ever be discovered by humans,
ever. But once we have moved out of our human restraints and become pure energy
we have access to many more dimensions and can leave this universe at will, and
some of us will find that there are infinite universes, and dimensions a
universe that has no ending or beginning yet there are endless universes and
dimensions--defies human logic---how do we bridge that relativity vortex kind
of gap when most humans can’t even conceive the obvious---that earth like
planets populated with humans make up much of the universe ?
exist in many places and especially in other dimensions because there are many
levels of souls in need of exotic learning centers and opportunities----that
make our rat maze here on earth a laughable joke.
doesn’t begin to describe what’s going on out there while most remain unaware
in this big blue nursery hanging out in space---clinging to a star that is
clinging to a galaxy that is hurling through the universe at mind-boggling
speeds without ever hitting a speed bump--which would certainly stir up the
millions of nurseries if it did.
fact that we don’t feel any movement, and the night skies look the same with
all those billions of stars predictably where they should be---who is to say,
and more so, why should anyone believe that things happen that way ?
know that galaxies move, and move very fast but they cannot see them
moving--way too much space between them. But millions of people believe because
scientists say that it is so, at least that is partly how things work in the
cosmos, and that is true.
cosmos is like an ocean filled with mysterious bodies some moving like schools
of fish, others hiding in nooks and crannies but how big is this fishbowl
anyway? That’s got the best minds puzzled because in the human mind infinite
does not compute.
takes some knowledge and big leaps of conjecture for things to begin to makes
sense in the cosmos, and right now cosmologist are up against a very thick
brick wall with no rope to climb over it or battering ram capable of breaking
through it----where to from here ?
need to pull the wool over anyone’s eyes because space is a pretty thing to
look at and not much more for the vast collection of human minds that even
bother to look up at night.
Is the planet earth expanding,
getting bigger physically?
large bodies in the solar system get bigger by the oodles of dust, meteors and
solar that falls on them every second of the day and night.
are no other forces at play, the earth is not expanding from within like a star
going supernova---although the interior does fluctuate creating volcanic and
tectonic activity---and expands and condenses from internal and external
pressures depending on solar activity, the wobble of the moon---and to a far
lesser extent gravitational ripples from nearby planets like that stunning
like Chinese goods, we import more than we export---in other words more stuff
is coming into our planet than is going out.
of us have trouble getting out of the right side of the bed every morning let
alone be part of some huge multiverse type schemes.
What is beyond the universe?
universe is forever---but there are many forever’s.
universe is not an experiment, neither are humans---experiments are concepts
and practices mostly indulged by lower echelon dimensions as is wizardry and
black magic, and other types of matter worship.
imaginable exists in the universe.
are oodles of planets, dimensions, galaxies, races---no end to them.
imaginable is real and everything unimaginable is real---somewhere.
What is the end purpose of creation?
party has been going on forever---and keeps growing---why? Why not?
What about the new planet that they
have found beyond Pluto?
are more they have yet to detect----nothing we need to worry about.
are snowflakes unique? Out of the endless billions of galaxies not one is the
same---or so they say---
really are bigger and better hamster wheels in this galaxy and some hamsters
down here don't like that idea.
solar system is moving out but eventually it will migrate back in.
shoes, solar systems wear out---but there are many shoe stores in each galaxy.
Is the physical universe/this
dimension always growing and expanding?
only thing that expands in our universe is our ego----and the physical universe
is matter a fact an illusion because it is matter and all matter is
illusion---but it makes for a very cool playground for our entertainment.
If a
planet up and disappeared there would be some psychological mayhem, which
almost happened when Pluto went from being a planet to a moon. Planets don’t
disappear they fade away and get recycled at the furthest reaches of the solar
repels and attracts just like we humans do via our personality, but matter does
it with a negative and positive charge which combine to repel like the solar
wind, or attract like the gravitational pull via electromagnetic force, the
magic behind matter.
comet is a heavenly body looking for a planet or moon to call home. Some of
them bring essential building blocks or other materials to places where they
are needed like cargo ships. Heaven's gate type.
universe is not expanding or contracting and for all practical purposes it goes
on forever, and past forever are other dimensions that go on forever. Once on
the other side this will be clear as pie for many.
only thing that begins and ends is our illusions when we are born and when we
die. Everything else has always been and always will be, without end.
planets are way cool, or way hot, but I’m not onboard with some of the views
that are out there and since few humans will ever know there is no point in
ruffling feathers.
is not the lowest level planet in this Solar System, that’s all I can say. Which is the highest level Planet in this
Solar System?
of us here on earth would like to think it was earth, so why rock the boat?
planet in this Solar System has mind blowing spectacular scenery.
this dimension there are no constant planets, they all get decommissioned and
eventually recycled.
only happens when an abandoned planet gets heavily infested with undesirables
and ceases to produce good seeds, earth is not in that category because it
hasn’t been abandoned yet.
Do people inhabiting them
reincarnating on them? That’s what happens.
are multiple Universes.
In what way do Universes differ from
each other?
say that an apple tree represents a universe, and a cat represents a universe.
They didn’t appear from nothing; they have always been and always will be.
Are all the planets in this solar
system the same age?
Not a
single one.
Universe doesn’t wrap.
Universe is infinite in size.
speaking, there is an infinite amount of Universes.
are twin planets but not in this solar system.
planet expands and also shrinks during and via celestial phenomena---the sun
plays the planets like a flute.
solar system is typical and virtually identical to millions of other solar
systems in this galaxy, nothing special or unique about it.
Milky Way is a typical galaxy with much the same stuff as most galaxies in its
class. The size of a typical galaxy is beyond human comprehension---and so are
the wonders in them---and there are galaxies that far exceed the never ending
wonders we have in the Milky Way.
entities have access to other galaxies, the rest of us have our plates full
with the mind boggling little things on earth---not even the solar system----our
galaxy----well lots of baby steps to go yet.
comes from a much bigger place than galaxies and dimensions, which all fit
nicely on a rolodex.
Are planets just super advanced space
ships? or space stations ?......
sure are, and moving through space at a pretty good clip, well the sun is, and
all the planets are cozily nestled in its invisible shield, which helps keeps
the bugs out of our teeth.
The Doppler
Effect is way
off and inaccurate because it doesn’t show us the circular motion that galaxies
are moving in because it can’t. This is another bit of info that will go
ignored-----but you can bet a cosmologist and perhaps an astrophysicist that
reads this will run out and see if they can prove it somehow and then get the
coveted Nobel Prize.
universe is like a hive of bees, the bees buzz around the hive or nucleus but
some will venture off and then come back.
certainly is an understatement to say that it is a big universe(s).
in the solar system, for the most part, came out of the sun. So the planets are
of what comes out of the sun ends up in the fringes of the solar system, and
remains unknown and a mystery, even to Astrophysicists.
Not a
planet not a moon, but something new:
It is
common. But so is human life all over the galaxy.
Where is it headed?
at a theater near you. Common stuff is not for common folk, just ask NASA.
is a rule that the planets orbit in a similar plane, kind of a centrifugal rule
when applying currently understood physics. All such rules are bendable when
unknown physics are at play. There are such bends going on in this solar
Do any planets in the solar system
have libraries that provide information on everything about the universe?
a cat, a dog, need to know or understand what a car is or that there are many
countries on this planet with cultural differences? People don't need to know
but a fraction of what is in the universe. Heck, most people freak when you
tell them extraterrestrial are visiting this planet.
and time are infinite for low-level thinking. In existence, such infinite places
are not even a grain of sand, a grain of sand in the entire known
solar systems don’t work by all the planets within revolving around the mother
star. Others work differently.
Is perception and consciousness
EVERYTHING in this reality in the universe? What about beyond? Concepts
infinitely beyond?
can we see the trees when the forest is always in the way? We can't.
big comets that hit the sun are not comets.
is not an illusion; it is real in the absence of light. Light is the
Ego being the largest thing in the universe, other large objects can't be
imagined until we can grasp the size of infinite space, which holds a heck of a
lot large chunks of matter...that hasn't collapsed within itself from shear
mindboggling size.
universe has all the time in the world and can print out time sheets almost as
fast as the Federal Reserve prints money. People can snooze as long as they
want and come back for more.
What’s the largest planet in the
universe? How many earth size planets, would it take to equal its size?
A few
billion earths.
solar system is common but there are billions of solar systems much different,
unique and with their own version of astrophysicists and physics.
Is our meteor belt a blown up planet?
Some believe there is not enough material there for a planet, that's because a
lot of it didn't stay there and rained down on other planets, and moons.
was no accident.
What the hell happened to have a
Planet destroyed?
was rotten to the core, and a direct hit.
Was it a war between Mars and that Planet
that left one Planet Destroyed and the other like it is now?
whole solar system was undergoing major renovation and upgrades.
Why do they make a decision to
destroy a Planet over just wiping the people and starting again as they have
done on here and Mars?
on the density of infestation. Destroying whole planets and moons happens in
these kinds of neighborhoods, solar systems.
Was it a Human type people that lived
on the Planet that was destroyed?
had human type bodies and some other strange stuff in the hybrid zone.
Will war type planets like Earth
always exist in the universe? Yes, they are parts of the machinery.
Comets and Asteroids: Do they hit
other planets for certain reasons?
and moons are sponges for much of the litter flying around in space.
Are they from a planet/star that has
been blown to pieces?
are debris from old planets and moons.
Are any of these coming for earth
anytime soon, and what do they contain inside of them? There are some big ones that will get
close. Those on a direct trajectory [to earth] will be nudged away. Iron, other
minerals, water, and a secret ingredient. Secret being the key word.
Is something special going on near
the Orion constellation?
is much going on in Orion province and other places too. But don't blame
Microsoft, Google, or NASA. They do the bidding for others, mostly unknowingly.
Like a child confined to the backyard of his house we are.
are ejected in mass, in clusters and individually, from the core of the galaxy,
and continue their formations and development as they travel away from the center--not
toward the center as many believe. Star birth is rapid, but we blink and miss
Stellar nebulae, which we can observe
around us in this sector of our galaxy, mostly consist of stars, normally in
small, open clusters, sucking up part of that shroud of gas and dust we can see
in photographs. When these stars are ejected" from the center of galaxies,
are they fully immersed in a gaseous nebular cocoon?
the cocoon is like amniotic fluid sack.
Can stars be born inside those
matter-rich environments, away from the centre of galaxies?
grow there but are not born there, the star seeds comes from the core.
Why are stars inside nebulae so
young, even if they are far away from the centre of the galaxy, as this solar
system is?
us in 3D land it may look far. But like popcorn in a huge kettle stars are
ejected outward, some further than others.
ignite new life onto old and new stars that have laid dormant, like placing
seeds into soil and watering them.
Are supernovae responsible for the
"creation" of elements heavier than oxygen, thus playing a crucial
role for us 3d life forms?
add an element or two to the 3D soup bowl.
Are elements heavier than helium
produced inside stars via thermonuclear fusion? Well kind of but not necessarily via
Are stars "giant balls of plasma"
powered by fusion, or of an entirely different nature? Neither electrical nor fusion, but a
quark of both.
Are stars "birthed" at the
core of the galaxy, set for a long permanence in orbit around that core in the
spiral arms or not, made to reach the outer rim maybe, and get recycled there,
or die within the body of the galaxy in the various known ways?
seeds are created in black holes at the center of galaxies.
Are densely packed globular clusters
the realm of very ancient stars and grand ET outposts? You mean the exclusive stellar
country clubs.
How do the Suns/Solar Systems manage
to not collide with each other?
the same reason that planets don't fall into the stars, stars repel matter not
attract it---for the most part.
Is there is a geometric pattern to
the physical realm most certainly. The soul however is not of that mystical
realm. A watch is a physical item that tells us how much time we waste. The
information it imparts to us is the sole reason for the watch, we don't want to
be late for that meeting kind of thing. The mechanics behind the mechanism of
the timepiece is secondary and of little importance to that meeting. In other
words matter is not all that and a bag of chips when it comes to the big picture,
it's simply a small element, get it, a small element. lol I know, don't quit my
day job.
Some ancient texts speak of 'spiritual planets' (namely the Indian
epics). Does this mean there are worlds which are not as physical in the sense
that we understand it? Many such worlds exist.
universe is pure unadulterated love, and wishes to share this love with as many
souls as possible.
Is everything in the universe
matter/different forms of matter? And different forms of ethereal.
Is every universal creation a part of
a huge tech data base, and at 3D we will never be allowed to understand its
complexity until we pass our own tests? Yes twice.
Are most dimensions in the multiverse
created, to a certain/large/total extent, by very high up ET?
Were there, eternities of eternities
ago, precursors, or much simpler, states of this universe or the whole
multiverse? There
are infinite modules.
Is ether sentient or only the
entities in it?
alive! But unlike anything we could comprehend.
Are certain areas or dimensions in
the multiverse "beginning to exist" and evolving, even without ET
Is Energy/ether pervading most of the
multiverse, except in certain areas or dimensions that are "empty" or
a real "nothingness"?
but does anyone really appreciate that fact?
How many planets are beyond Pluto [in
this solar system]?
bunch, but most are moon size or smaller, but not all.
planets and moons grow via tons of new mass that falls on to them every day,
dust, meteors and such. Over time with the new mass comes pressure changes
inside the core, which pushes back creating changes on the surface and weather
"Creation is based upon the
'Three Primary Distortions of The Infinite One'." Free Will, Love, and
Light - is this how the system works?
more complex than that.
universe has order in its disorder.
Can't it be said that all planets and
stars of our galaxy are in synchronicity with the Earth? They are not.
moon in the solar system is a magical unique wonderland. But they are not all
fun and games.
"The universe was created"?
it has always existed? There is no beginning and no end to the universe and if
you say it was created, that would imply a beginning. Can you clear this up? When I "created" a play
area in my backyard for my children to play in I didn't "create" the
backyard, the trees, ground and such, I only "created" a play area by
installing a kiddie pool and sandbox. The gods create and destroy illusionary
worlds like Earth all the time, but this universe remains unchanged.
Is the Universe a Mathematical
construct, in that the vibrational patterns/colors can be represented
numerically. So it’s like a matrix (the movie) and we are plugged into it!? Only in this "physical"
realm. Which is really not physical at all.
What is the purpose of moons as
opposed to the planet they orbit - is there any special reason moons are there?
Especially multiple moon planets?
real estate. The views from moons are orgasmic to say the least. But they also
have other purposes (can’t say anymore).
get shuffled around and eventually recycled in the boondocks. Some star ships
cloak as moons or other galactic mass.
solar system with all its planets is merely a single cell inside a human body,
which is like a galaxy filled with stars or cells.
Can you elaborate on the hiding
process that is used to blur planets?
done with huge mirrors. There are planets and moons not seen or known about in
this solar system. And I'm not talking about only those out in the Kuiper
boonies. Not all celestial bodies have mass as we know it (can’t say anymore).
Are there more planets or huge
structures that cannot be detected (by us) because their makeup is only partially
(if at all) connected to our lower 3D realm (or our perception of physics)? Our physics has much to do with it.
But there are covert human elements aware of some of these invisible systems.
planets and stars were created to do what they do. Nothing simply
"happens", not even shit, or doodoo for those that don't like the
work shit.
Are certain surface features in our
moon and some of the planets camouflaged via optical devices or is it achieved
through complex ET dimensional magic? Also sloppy photo shopping.
Neo, if you have been given the gift
of seeing through the matrix, how do you know that your superior position is
not just another layer of matrix, and thus your perceptions as equally useless
or useful as a primitive tribesman sitting in a mud hut? How do you know that
Morpheus/Milton is real, Neo?
don't like calling it the matrix after the movie came out and gave all the
secrets away. They prefer calling it what it is, dimensions and such. But even
dimensions is not correct.
Would you say that it is possible
that there are Planets out there that are the size of our Solar System?
Would people on Planets of that size
be the same size as us or would everything be super upsized to a huge scale?
that the very small area of the universe we are aware of, could fit on a gnat’s
ass, yes there is a lot of partying going on that we are missing out on with
our bickering.
The Sun
believe that without the sun there is no biological life possible on this
planet, which is mostly true, but heat from the interior of the earth keeps a
variety of creatures living around vents at the bottom of the oceans.
same energy keeps many believed to be barren planets and moons in the solar
system with life.
without the sun this would be a dark and gloomy place where all biological life
would cease to exist.
take the sun for granted because who doesn’t love a sunny day? Try and imagine
living on a planet distant from a sun and not having the magnificent sunny days
we all love and cherish----there are many such planets out there in this solar
system and throughout the galaxy---and without the artificial sunlight I talk
about in my blog.
the sun is not god; God is much more radiant and infinitely larger, equivalent
to billions upon billions of our suns.
sun does save us from frostbite, and lifts our spirits like nothing else
can---it sure acts like a god.
have always worshiped the sun, in the past and the present, and many symbols
have been created for that purpose.
won’t argue that there is a mighty intelligence permeating around us from many
realms--- but the sun will one day expire----we will not.
sun has cycles where it sends out lots of flare ups and heat and most of these
cycles don’t very that much during the ten or eleven years that they occur.
every now and then there are extreme cycles when the sun gets real hot, and
much less hot than what we would consider normal. Both of these infrequent extremes
are devastating to life on this planet.
state that a few of these instances "might" be supernaturally
manipulated would get many eyeballs a rolling like this------so I will not say
astronomers have the sun as a nuclear reactor.
the sun was a nuclear reactor wouldn’t our skin being falling off by now? ---lol
sun is not a nuclear reactor---but my pregnant sun didn’t do well on my other
thread so I will not go into what the sun is yet---I don’t get paid enough to
be a comedian to the sceptics--
until I can make it sound reasonable I’ll keep it to myself.
know the saying you can’t live with it and you can’t live without it---isn’t
that a nice saying?
doesn’t necessarily apply to the sun---we can’t live without the sun period.
Not only do our bodies need the sun but so do our souls.
sun has its tizzy-fits every now and then---and the earth shakes like a dog
trying to rid itself of fleas on a hot summer day.
sun is all full of itself, perhaps it’s about to deliver something.
sun is definitely in a mood---from all the hormones that were added to it in
the past few months. ----Oh yes they do tinker with the sun.
Our sun orbits around a partner star
every 24-26,000 years. Is it the star Sirius?
is solo.
heat from the sun plays a major role in the dynamics of earth's temperature.
there are people that would like a place in the sun, but the sun is very
exclusive and only the higher entities with an interesting vibration can warm
up their heels and souls there. There are “entities” that hang out in and
around the sun, they have a higher energy field than the sun and hardly tan at
star has H2o, oceans of it, and other oceans of elements. Everything and much
more than we have on earth is in the sun.
What other elements does the sun
have? And how can it be?
physicists understand and know ZERO about the sun and about anything else
concerning physics. So how can that be, it be because everything is ZERO
without the one.
sun give birth to plethora’s of things that will never be known to humans even
as a smidge are caught on video.
people believe the Sun is a huge nuclear reactor that just happened. It was
created like in a cotton candy machine in the center of the galaxy, and spit
out like popping popcorn, cooled a bit and then began to shine and spit out
planets of its own. The rest is history.
If there was no sun, would people
stop aging, at least from their outside appearance? Psychological damage would outweigh
any skin damage.
It seems your holding back something
about the sun.
Yes I
am holding back. The sun/suns are multi-dimensional things. Everything has
life, but life to us here in 3D land is 1D. It's a long big story and I don't
want to give away the details. Not sure that I can. There are entities within
the sun and they have no tan lines. Wow baby!!! Are they hot!!
people throughout the ages have worshiped the sun as a god. The sun is special,
all stars are, but they expire and souls don't. The soul is made of something
much more mysterious than the sun or anything else for that "matter".
Matter, get it? The soul is not "matter" as is light and everything
else we see in 3D land.
Is the nature of its existence (other
than a big heater) something we are not ready to understand so quit asking
questions about the sun?
What makes these concepts so
difficult to understand??
are not difficult concepts to understand, they are difficult to put into
practice, and that's the rub.
What makes me so different from
people that I can handle these concepts and they can't? Some people just know, even if they
don't know for sure.
What is the average population of
people who live in the sun?
sun is not like one of the planets with habitation, it is something very
Is there an inner sun as has been
interpret what we see or are shown by what we know. A sun is a source of
energy, or a radiant being. I'm not saying that the sun in our solar system is
a being, but there are some similar elements.
I’ve read about the evil doing
followers being put into the sun for punishment, and you've stated that those
who refuse to be redeemed will eventually get the shredder. Are the sun and the
shredder one and the same?
things going on in the sun, in fact everything, matter wise. But souls are not
matter and can take the heat.
Are these shredded souls actually
being used to continue to power the sun?
Is it the life from ashes scenario
all over again?
souls get reassigned from there or to there.
is stuff about the sun that I can't delve into now.
sun is not a ball of gas.
would be to send a space probe to the sun and measure its temperature.
dilemma is how to measure temperature without affecting the measure by the
reaction of the instrument with the sun rays. But, obviously science already
has made its mind and it would seem silly to challenge the idea of a hot sun.
The high photonic concentration emitted as light makes believe that this light
comes from combustion when in reality comes from atomic excitation in the
What are we not being told about the
who think they know don't know, so they can't tell us more than they think they
know about it.
How it works, its functions, its
nature, what’s inside it etc., etc., etc., etc. ... I am really curious about the real story on
the SUN.
one of my projects stuck on the back burner for now, a victim of my
multitasking challenged abilities, or lack thereof.
What are pulsars?
of the standard scientific definitions that can be found anywhere on the
internet, pulsars are matter stabilizers, and so much more. Milton says I
wouldn't understand.
is a fantastic thing to look at from here on earth---there is absolutely no way
of describing the feeling seeing it up close---it’s truly looking into the face
of god, your mind literally melts at the awesomeness.
are millions of things going on in and around Saturn, and all of its moons as
well, but Milton said he would kill me if I tell much more than that---perhaps
in the next blog he will allow more detail.
is sentient life but to what extent I don’t know.
What are the strange Hexagonal
formations on the poles of Saturn? I will give my .o2 in a thread in skunk works.
has solid core.
The asteroid belt is that like a
fence marking the bounds of the Prison planets?
belt has a lot of living debris in it and it serves many purposes including
protecting the nest as well as the prison yard.
humans in the past and even now here on earth know lots about Saturn, but they
aren't talking for a reason.
Iapetus, is it real or fake if the
latter then what is it?
is real. Iapetus had a wicked spin when it was ejected from Saturn's womb and
settled out in the dark and cold boondocks of Saturn's orbit. Iapetus has life
on it and in it.
1994 a comet named Shoemaker-Levy crashed into Jupiter.
alien dudes zapped that shoemaker thingy with their ray cannons trying to
deflect it, but it broke up in many pieces and hit the planet hard killing
bazillions of people on Jupiter.
don’t know if there are humans on Jupiter. There are ETs all over that planet
and on many of its moons ---and they would not be affected by comets or
anything else.
is pregnant.
has solid core.
What wonders exist on Jupiter?
Most of us would have a complete
emotional meltdown from a mere whiff of the wonders. It has a solid core, and
the storms are like large cotton candy type devices collecting residue, the
things moons and dreams are made of.
What is the population of a planet
like Jupiter or other large planets in this solar system? It changes daily, earth days that is. Much of the population
is transient.
The Moon
asked me nicely not mention things about the moon---they are so picky---lol
the moon life on earth would be a calmer place, too calm for the indigenous
life forms that are on it now.
moon is not hollow and it did not break off earth and distill into what it is
today----the moon was no accident or freak chance it was deliberately put there
as a counter balance to the earth's rotation and to stir the oceans----not to
mention something to fill the night sky and to look up at and marvel at the
moon is also a huge repository of minerals and metals that will be used to
build cities in space, and there might be some government cheese up
there----well maybe not.
and former Soviet Union suddenly stopped going to the Moon because ETs were
already there watching us and 'warned' us away.
have been using the moon for a number of things, less than one hundred years
ago they had activity on the side facing the earth but with the onset of
powerful telescopes they had to minimize and camouflage their actions---they
also have been cleaning up much of the infrastructure and returning the
landscape back to the way it was in preparation of human exploration.
not allowed to talk about the moon but humans have been there more than the
official line states.
are ruins on the moon.
been to the moon, yes there are bases out there, and yes there is gravity and a
flag. The moon and details is a forbidden subject for me.
Is the moon really an old space ship
and it got "towed" into earth's orbit? Well, yes and no, and perhaps
something in that order.
light of the moon affects the hunt of some nocturnal carnivores, wolves, dogs,
foxes, hyenas, man, etc. A full moon is also a focal point that draws attention
like a campfire does for both man and animal.
It is
a rock but it was put into place via artificial means, it remains an ET
outpost, and that’s all I can say for now.
moon remains an ET outpost so they limit what we can see or do up there until
they relocate some of their stuff.
view of the moon is much easier to manipulate [by ETs than Earth illusion], as
are other planets because we have no access to them other than telescopes and
are some humans on the moon--- not near the numbers I have seen tossed around
on ats though.
What’s up with the back side of the
moon? Does “mooning”
have any meaning for you----?
of things are going on up there on the moon, John Lear only touched on a few
moon is not earth’s fetus.
are bases on the moon with extraterrestrials and a few locals, but not like
loco crazy types.
are up there making preparations for humans who will be living “openly “on the
moon in a few decades.
of the moon is a given---given to us that is, and will begin sooner than most
people know.
up there now have been told to pack up and leave, not all of them but enough to
give us some space and a bit of freedom to explore and settled down in.
Many of the structures are like Winnebago’s,
only larger and they will simply move off into the darkness of space and work
from there as we arrive in larger numbers at the turn of the century.
Japan and China will find nothing
with their satellites as most of the 'anomalies' have been removed?
has not been removed yet, and what is left behind to be found will be used
behind the scenes for use on the moon by those who find them. If not everything has been removed, who
prevents them to not disclose what they film? It’s like an average guy
finding a million dollars of unmarked bills, not likely to disclose that
fact---but all of a sudden he is doing things no one else is doing and driving
some cool ass cars.
missions and other missions happen all the time. In the old days people were
made to believe they would fall off the edge of the world if they ventured to
far in the ocean realms, assuming sea monsters didn't eat them first, kept
people from venturing too far from home. Same dif.
Was our moon at one time a prison or
currently is now?
and is.
Why the moon is the only
"body" that doesn't spin?
moon is a mechanism in synchronicity with earth, ecologically speaking.
things spin we simply don't see the spin as with the moon.
What about that Richard Hoagland’s
photo of "Data's head" how many of those dudes are about the place.
Or is his Data's head just an old outdated model. There is some "real" meat
in baloney.
Did Armstrong receive a welcome or
was he warned away from the moon?
and other astronauts were allowed a peek but not much more. And that overt
program was ended.
Do the people living on the moon look
like us?
Do the majority of people living on the
moon know about us and if yes what do they think? They know, they think we are such
snobs, big fat blue planet and all. I think they are envious of us earthlings.
Is the crater Aristarchus on the moon
really a reactor?
hosted an abundance of life in the past, and still harbors life now but the
diversity is less and not as abundant, much of it is subterranean---it’s
amazing the things going on, on Mars right under our noses---lol---Again the
proof is overwhelming yet most people refuse to believe.
on Mars were built by the same type of beings but not the same beings were
involved in projects, with pyramids here on Earth.
of Mars is still off limits [to us humans], NASA likes to push the envelope to
see how much they will allow, and that’s why we and others lost probes.
pyramids and face on Mars are Martian ruins. Mars is filled with surprises and
many of them might be exposed in the next decade.
will be a fantastic adventure destination spot for many humans by the turn of
this century.
has life on it more advanced than what we have on earth but they are not very
pretty or sociable. They know humans are coming “officially” speaking, and so
things are a bit tense. The powers don’t want the details out.
When will life on Mars be officially
in the next decade [2010-2020], latter part.
Would they be more likely to announce
that there was an ancient civilization there first and confirm the ruins that
are there?
has been plenty of opportunity to announce that now and in the past but that
would be like admitting to alien life and extraterrestrials---would be
discomforting to too many humans still.
"face" on mars is an “alien” artefact in an ancient Martian city.
still are Martians on Mars but they are ugly----and live underground---but
can’t give more details.
not supposed to talk about Mars or the moon, but there certainly is pockets of
nice people everywhere we go, and there are also those other ugly types.
are hiding out there, those ugly ones I spoke of. And not all are free to come
and go.
is a reason that some of that planet is a wasteland, still they do have some
above ground structures. But no details allowed.
saw activity on Mars, beings coming and going from that planet.
don’t recall spending much time there, but they also didn’t want me talking in
detail about what I did see.
Mars: Total Recall?
not total recall, but certainly some disturbing recall, depending on what they
allow to be seen.
is populated with a variety of life forms and entities some of it on the
surface, much of it below and in space around it.
was a habitable planet like Earth sometime in the past.
planet experienced a bit of fire and brimstone and lost a major battle.
Why and how did the war on Mars
didn't invite the right entities to the party.
is currently under quarantine.
What's going to happen to the
renegades and other ET's on Mars, once they're defeated, if they do get
will remain there, incarcerated, out of sight and out of mind deep in the
Could we breathe unaided on Mars and
survive provided we had the clothing for whatever temperature there was at the
What are the tunnels / tubes that
have been photographed on the surface or just under the surface of Mars?
infrastructure still in use.
Are the newly born people on mars, in
the veil just as we are on earth? No.
Which race on Earth is the closest or
most directly related to the last major civilization on Mars?
and moon life will be explained away with the jargon that explained how life
diverged here on earth via continental divide. The planets must have nicked at
one time and shared some meteor semen. Yes there will be some DNA connection.
Why Mars is on quarantine?
has a certain kind of undesirable galactic infestation.
are Martian Aliens and they do mess with our probes from earth, sometimes
destroying them.
has more than one species.
are many species of Martians. Look at the vast variety of plant and animal life
we have here on earth, and we only know about a fraction of it. Some we will
never know about even though it’s right under our noses. When we go to Mars
"officially" most of the life forms will remain hidden from us there
At one point did Mars have human
had human type life mixed in with some weirdos and still has some.
has undergone many cleansings and battles. The war is not over.
subculture that Joe [character from A Day
with an extraterrestrial] lives in has no poverty, or open warfare as we
have here on earth and they live much better lives there than most humans do
here---but they do have their problems because they are human---most from
city I came from is perfect in comparison to earth life---but some of the
intergalactic intrigue comes from that place.
do I put this gently---there is no way, even though I am a citizen of that city
from a previous life and will return to it, I cannot go back to it while in a
human body---they don’t have bathrooms for one---and we can’t be trained---lol
tube cities I talked about are huge cylindrical vertical columns thousands of
feet high and many miles wide---and there are several stacks of them in
while in the sub city there was no way of knowing where the surface was, but
there was a solid core---how large I have no idea.
being gas giant doesn’t mean there is no surface---our scientists can’t even
determine if there is water on the moon and it’s next to us---do you really
believe they know what is going on in other farther away planets? Certainly
they know some of the chemical makeup of them but they remain clueless of what
the planets themselves really are.
has plenty of gas but also a dense core.
Uranus people are not born, they come
"grown up"? How are they made?
Are they grown like pod people?
I was
not made aware of that part of the operation but their handle on biological
machinery is far more advanced than anything we can imagine on this level. For
us humans such things are what horror movies are about, to higher entities it’s
more in line with buying a new car from a showroom---minus the pressure sales
people are in the same dimension we are here on earth.
know everything that is going on in this solar system, they do travel out of
this solar system and they can access higher dimensions. They interact with all
the other planets including Earth.
like all the other bodies in this solar system except earth and the moon,
remain forbidden fruit---
If I
ever get around to my next installment of the blog they might give me something
on Pluto, so far I have no go ahead to write more on it---
is a planet just a little shriveled and compacted, it will eventually become a
moon and lose the remainder of its own satellites, but it could get busted up.
are much nicer than demotions and Pluto is not all too happy right now about
what earth thinks of it.
Is Pluto harboring a deep dark
it is----but not anything that will affect earth or life on earth as we know
it. The myth must live on and the secret must remain intact.
NASA will send a probe to explore the
Kuiper Belt beyond Pluto.
What will the ETs do about it and
what is the real purpose?
of them jokester ETs will throw snowballs at it and make funny faces at the
NASA people. However, NASA will not share those memorable Kodak moments with
the rest of the world.
real purpose is to take some pictures of extraterrestrials and a few of Pluto,
so they will have something they can show the public---the Pluto pictures that
The Kuiper
Belt is huge, and we are not invited to partake, our little probe headed there
has accumulated an entourage of delinquents and tricksters.
are many central spaceships meeting place/docking port in the Kuiper belt.
Venus is not a place I would want to go.
is no Aphrodite but certainly a seductress because of her proximity and
visibility to earth. Venus is not a destination point for those leaving earth
for bigger and better pastures, although some can visit Venus the same way we
can visit Alcatraz except Venus is still in operation. Venus is not all hell,
but neither is it a tropical paradise. Nevertheless, it’s a big planet with
many hidden secrets above and below the surface. But they card, must be a
hybrid, a spirit, or ET to enter.
is off my radar but I've heard that it has its good districts as well as its
red light seedy districts.
haven't been to Venus that I can recall.
is one hot little planet, not one that the meek shall inherit.
Big Bang
a big universe trillions of times bigger then what is speculated---it will not
keep expanding and then like a slinky fall bank to square one and start all
over again----the only big bang happens on the fourth of July----it never gave
birth to the cosmos.
radiation [that scientists claim coming from the big bang] is from massive stars and galaxies being recycled which gives off
enormous amounts of radiation across the spectrum---this radiation comes from
what scientist believe to be the edge of the universe because that is the
furthest their instruments can pick up these exotic particles, which is about
thirteen billion light years away----they think
are so off base it’s almost embarrassing ---I’m not going to get into that
was no big bang, the universe is not expanding nor will it contract and fall
into itself---it will never end. And because time and space are illusions so is
is no genesis in the literal term unless you are speaking about every time we
are born anew on this planet or another.
didn’t really start with a thought or a Big Bang---everything coming out of
nowhere in an instant is grasping at straws when nothing else makes sense.
Big Bang theory is way off base and never happened, and there is no need for
Dark Matter, which is a good thing because there isn’t any.
because it wouldn’t be scientific savvy to declare ET said so, I will use
scientific protocol and call it a theory.
was no Big Bang, the universe as we see it through the Hubble telescope has
been here forever---when talking human perceptions anyway. Galaxies are self-perpetuating,
they can grow by combining and they can end by being swallowed by other
galaxies---but it’s a process that has no end---beginning is another matter and
will be more of a challenge to explain and I can’t do it in this thread.
big bang theory satisfies for some the need for a beginning and ending, but
there is no such thing concerning the universe, the universe has always been
and will always be, much like we see it today---the very little that we do see.
Black holes
of black holes-----the universes’ recycle bins.
holes can’t be used by any living entities including ETs -----those that are at
our level of existence-----which is way low in the food chain.
holes are not dangerous to any life forms because life forms have long become
extinct by the time solar systems enter into the gravitational field of Black
holes are key to the remanufacture of matter and without them and their
powerful gravitation to stir the pot galaxies as we know them would be
are self-perpetuating and can exist forever----the hearts of galaxies are Black
can merge and become bigger and parts of galaxies can breakaway by close
encounters with other galaxies.
the breakaway star clusters are large enough they will eventually form their
own Black holes and become baby galaxies.
baby galaxies get bigger as they journey through the universe sucking up matter
of failed star clusters----those that didn’t have enough matter to form Black
holes----they also merge with other small galaxies and grow bigger.
Holes are things dreams are made of---or was that the black falcon? Bogart can
you help me here---lol
On a
less serious note Black Holes gobble up the wrenched refuse of old star systems
and recycles the matter into fertilizer for new stars and planets---nothing
goes to waste.
are not wormholes to other dimensions---I would give more detail but why should
I give Nobel Prize information out on an internet thread---
holes are what’s under the hood of every galaxy, they are the engine that is
powered by debris of expired suns. They are also dimensional vortexes---they
don’t lead to hell.
black hole is an extraordinary machine sucking up dead stars and at the same
time spitting out new stars. It certainly manipulates energy and matter---one
and the same, in ways human understanding cannot begin to grasp, because it
defies the human concepts of logic and the laws of physics.
at the star level is a constant with no beginning or ending, it changes shape
and form and can be ripped apart but it will always regroup and become whole
again. A black hole manipulates and facilitates energy but it doesn’t create
is energy, energy is electricity, electricity is magnetism, magnetism is
matter---it’s all one and the same but on different levels.
holes don’t crush anything, especially matter, everything is stack and put into
it proper bins until it gets recycled back into the galaxy as new stars.
black hole is like going through a car wash, old junky stars go in one side and
shiny and bright ones go out the other side, back into the galaxy.
holes do not create universes; they recycle old stars into new stars and spit
them back into this dimension.
reconfigure old star matter and then spit it back out as new stars. Kind of
like American Idol.
matter spins more or less, but it doesn't collapse within itself as some people
assume or theorize. Black holes do exist and they are all around us in the
cosmos and in the far down reaches of quantum mechanics. How they truly operate
is beyond 3D understanding, but nevertheless it is very entertaining and
exciting to chase those little buggers down the Higgs bosom rabbit hole.
"Black Holes" at the center
of galaxies? Some Vacuum cleaners for debris others spewing out babies, or just
suck and spit energies...? Creation/destruction at one time?
that how it works in the microcosm here on earth too? Thousands of babies are
born every day, thousands of people die every day. Life is an assembly line be
it macro or quantum.
Black/Dark Matter
theory of Dark Energy presumes that the universe is finite and not
infinite---finite is a lot easier to explain than something bordering an
believe that the universe is expanding and it is somewhat, and some scientists
believe that eventually it will collapse back into itself.
energy is necessary to explain the expansion and the falling back of the
universe otherwise nothing makes any sense.
nothing in this existence makes any sense if we run it to the nth
degree----everything breaks down and we enter into the land of Alice and her
there are numerous exotic energies out there and in here Dark energy or matter
is a myth.
the Big Bang to be true and the universe it hatched to be expanding---in which
theoretically would then have to collapse back into the hole it came from we
need a whole lot of Dark Matter, or any matter for that matter---lol---and they
are looking for it so that their theories about the universe will make sense
and everybody would be happy and someone would get the Noble Prize.
is no dark matter or dark energy.
the dark matter in the universe is hiding between the ears.
and space as humans understand it doesn’t exist.
thing about time and distance, they are both illusions and things are not as
far as they "sometimes" seem to us earthlings.
is an illusion-----get out into space away from planet earth and what do you
use to measure time with? Our twenty-four hour system is based on the rotation
of this planet, and its movement around the sun-----I know that you know this,
I only point it out to demonstrate how fickle the whole idea of time is.
are not constrained by the illusion of time-----they don’t have time
clocks-----they don’t have to be anywhere at certain times-----most of the life
forms in this galaxy do not conform to time and schedules. It’s a fairly new
phenomenon on this planet; it became important with the industrial revolution
at the turn of the nineteenth century. Eventually it will not be important for
the vast majority once we enter the next transitional period-----possibly in
the next few decades.
is not what it seems to us---it’s a difficult concept to explain.
earth we get old and our tomatoes rot---therefore we perceive some kind of
linear thing going on---how else are we going to sell wrinkle cream?
the big picture where earth is not even one pixel on a screen gazillions of
light years squared---past and present are all one----there is no future and
there is not past--- Ok drum roll them eyes people----lol
have the illusion of time, nevertheless, there is linear point A to point B in
our 3D existence otherwise everything bunches up---and that would throw a kink
in the free will and those monthly rent and utility bills---things would really
get confusing---unlike what I just wrote---lol
stops when it doesn’t count, and is an illusion when it does.
is freaky stuff that keeps things from piling up on our end of existence---but
things don’t pile up on the other side like they do here---still looking for
words and concepts to explain the unexplainable.
is no future or past, only segments of reality or illusions.
is real on this side of the fence, and we know that because we waste a heck of
a lot of it worrying about the little things in life.
can’t interfere with time in any way shape or form.
funny thing about time is that it doesn’t exist, but our minds can’t comprehend
existence without time, therefore we can’t comprehend how things are set up
ahead of time.
Is the perception of earth time
speeding up for all, some, or none of the above?
who are going through a hard time, time has slowed considerably, and those who
are having a good time, well, time is slipping away too fast.
What is the purpose of time as we
perceive it?
let us know that time is running out.
Can humans understand the concept of
what time actually is?
slows us down a bunch, that's why we never have enough of it when we want it,
and too much when we are bored. Time exists mostly between the human 3D ears.
Only humans are trapped in time, animals and insects are not.
I could not imagine life without
for the 3D mind and an impossible situation, a fish out of water thing.
This 3D planet (as well as many other
places) use a time frame. The more prevalent universal dynamic is a timeless
dream world state? We get glimpses of this state while recharging through dreams?
is illusion and a place for delusion. But it helps us get to point A from point
B. Seconds only count in physics and the Big Bang. The biggest illusion of them
That has happened frequently with thoughts of the infinite and
infinitesimal; I conceive of ways that makes this planet disappear in terms of
working out thoughts of the infinite and infinitesimal.
you want to make things disappear multiply them by zero. We are only ones and
zeros right?
thing about time is that there is never enough of it or there is too much of
it. Those who enjoy life for all the right reasons don't have enough of it,
those who don't enjoy life and see it as a burden, have way too much of it. For
some, their next destination will be to a place where time will no longer put
limits on pleasure/fulfilment/ contentment. Being stuck in a time zone is not
the best place to be. But some don't mind it.
certainly seems to be necessary, it keeps us from not gagging on our food and
gives us ample time to tell off that jerk who thinks he/she owns the stinking
road. And time helps us grow old and enjoy all those great memories we made
with family and friends, thanks to time. What is a good wine without time? MD
However, no time is the best time. But it's also difficult to extrapolate from
the 3D mindset such a concept. For now the Bubba version is all I have to
offer. No time clock, we are where we want to be when we want to be there. No
aging, worries or demands to deal with. We never lose loved ones and we always
know where they are even when they don't call. No highs and lows, love remains
constant, pure.
Can one erase past? Can one predict
future? Can one understand and do both in the present? Does seemingly magical
life stuff flip around? Is this ET generated?
past can't be erased, but it can be built on like a foundation. The future is
not ours to predict, but it is known by higher ups. Everything flips around,
everything is magical. ET’s have many, many powers.
ET manipulation? Honestly, I still
don't get that?
you get how DNA makes things happen in the make believe land of the physical
world? Same principle.
Time travel
travel is a mind boggling concept but I have been shown a few things before
they happened so it must work on some level.
with Santa Clause, time travels with ET’s-----a concept without explanation.
many respects something similar to time travel is possible because there is no
real movement through a time envelope as we understand it.
has not offered to take me back into my past so that I can undo some minor
indiscretions---or even to look at my past as in the story of
Scrooge---however---those things do happen.
have no access to time travel because time as we understand it does not
exist--scientists playing with molecules is not time travel.
is no time as we know it here on earth on the other side, so it’s a difficult
concept to relate in mere words. Nevertheless humans cannot travel from the
future to the past, or the past to the future---completely impossible.
one [ETs or humans] goes back and changes time---it’s not allowed.
Have you ever travelled back/forward
in time (our time)?
because time is “irrelevant” ---
is a vibration linked to matter as we know it and we don’t know matter. You
must understand matter to understand what time is.
travel is a misnomer---time comes in cubes and no human can access those cubes.
travel as we understand it doesn’t exist but we can be shown future and past
ET help we can cross into certain dimensions that may appear to be time travel,
same with our quantum particles that act like supernatural phenomena during
experimentations---if we look real close at these particles they are giggling
at us.
How do the ET's fix up things that
the govt might have screwed up when on time travel missions?
can only do so much damaged in our playpen, nothing ET gets worried about.
impossible for humans to manipulate time but there are minor exceptions that
have no major consequences that have been allowed.
travel technology is possible but not for humans.
is no end to dimensions---the human mind cannot grasp these things.
human brain sees multiple dimensions the ethereal beings don’t.
is no set number of dimensions---they are infinite.
existed even before the universe, and the universe has always existed---a
paradox beyond human comprehension.
How many higher dimensions are there?
human mind is not equipped to handle those numbers, there is no number big
enough in mathematics to describe how many dimensions we have---therefore,
dimensions are infinite, without end, as is the universe.
are many levels and dimensions and how things amalgamate or not for various
higher up entities is anyone’s guess---way too much stuff going on and nothing
can be pigeonholed.
universes and realities exist exclusively and independently of each other in a
quantum multi-dimensional vortex of relativity.
Are Millions of worlds parallel to ours that are mostly identical aside from
minor details. [Referring to The Milky Way galaxy---and other
How many dimensions make up the
more than every snowflake that fell from the sky since time began.
are not numbered, they go by names, and those names are secret.
Would it be more correct to say they
have harmonic identifications?
understand our 3D world with up, down and depth---and we can look out and see
3D because our brains have been upload the means of coordinates of physical
things. But naming and numbering things our perceptions can’t understand is
meaningless. To say something is at a higher vibration makes sense, but there
are a slew of higher and lower vibrations in our 3 dimensions---and have
nothing to do with higher or lower dimensions above or below our 3D circus. So
call them what you will.
In our dimension, are there laws that
are completely different and unable to work in other dimensions and vice
things but not all things, you just got to be there for it to make sense.
Dimensions are more than speed. In 3d
we are aware of speeds speed of sound, speed of light. We also have trees, and
the fact that the chair our butts sit on and the keyboard we type on are alive
with molecular/dimensional motion.
is a relative term and in reality exists not but in places such as this lower
illusionary dimension. What we experience as reality is a blurry figment of
what is real. Things become clearer as we become more in tune with the song of
life. Eventually we will permeate out of so-called dimensions, which we are
filtered through as we mature or rot on the vine.
dimensions interconnect, but things change the deeper we go and nothing
connects. Higher entities can make the connections.
Can you explain the 4th, 5th, 6th
3D to a 2D entity would be impossible, they simply don't have the 3D
perspective, which is very important. Nevertheless, our 3D mind operates in
higher dimensions, we just don't know it. Our mind, our soul, can think outside
the 3D box, however, verbalizing and illustrating higher dimensions is a whole
other story. When you're inside of their ships it's a bit easier to grasp,
until you leave and come back here and then everything turns to mush again.
How many Dimensions are available on
and the universe exist inside of higher dimensions like Babushka dolls.
What's the most painful dimension to
live in? What's the most pleasurable dimension to live in?
doesn't work that way. Earth has much misery on it, it also has much happiness
on it. It's not the conditions or the places we are, it's who we are that
determines our pain/pleasure level. Even hell doesn't need to feel like hell,
at least not the one at this level. But there are exceptions.
3D is
infinite as far as our human mind is concerned. Nevertheless it is contained, a
paradox in 3Dville.
What does infinite mean in terms of
3-D planets?
means that they go on forever like television reruns. To understand we need be
out of our 3D mind, literally.
Are the other, higher dimensions,
"modules" that encompass the lower ones, being the universe infinite
modules with all possible characteristics?
but some entities can step out of the dimensional box thingy. Where a whole
other ball of wax exists.
3-D is an illusion?
3D is
3 dimensions inside of illusion.
reality there is no physical anything, only another variation of ethereal.
Is the matter realm (or physical
realm) the lowest dimension on the totem pole?
lower ones can be a combination of both physical and ethereal---and that can
really be freaky!
- III -
Meaning & Rules of human life on earth
Why existence does exist?
pure pleasure and for no apparent reason----existence has no beginning or
Why do we even exist at all?
reason at all, life is a gift that can be rejected but not at this level.
has a vibrations, humans, animals, insects, and plants. Humans like to be
around other humans, that’s why people gravitate to large cities. There is
certain energy around humans and their activities. The level of energy
corresponds to the size of the crowd. But even in a desert alone you can feel
and know that there are other humans around, a few miles away, in some town.
are created and the reasons we are created would fill volumes of books---but
the short of it is that it’s the most fantastic gift in the universe, even
though it may not seem like it to some on this level at this time.
are very generous-----do you remember the tsunami? Most humans would give you
the shirt off their back-----when they believe the need is real.
on this level of existence (earth) is an illusion-----something or someone is
behind the illusion.
planet is in the incubation stages---- ----humans share identical DNA because
that is a requirement of this planet-----but that doesn’t mean all humans
originated from one place, but from hundreds of places in the galaxy.
I'm sure you know that not everyone agrees that humankind has progressed. Most
people consider anything less than utopia unacceptable-----especially if ETs
are real and have the means to solve all our problems.
Earth is an incubator-----and like
any nursery there are lots of incubators----millions of them just like this
place. Good help is hard to find-----therefore there are good caretakers, and
bad caretakers.
those with a load of frequent flyer miles chose where they go, the rest are
sent to planets like earth, some kicking and screaming.
inclined to believe that what we see as good and bad is not necessarily
so-----when looking at the big picture.
reason I believe this is because I have learned more through adverse situations
than desirable ones.
of us will chose to go through hardship-------so all of us are thrown into it
at some time or other-----some would call it chance or bad luck.
already exists; there is no technology that we can imagine that doesn’t exist.
poverty, war, pestilence, hate, prejudice and a host of other calamities, are
simply apparatus of planets as this one-----and not a permanent condition of
only battles we are being thought to fight are the everyday battles of life.
you seen Star Trek the movie? That movie is a perfect metaphor for
existence-----in the movie it’s a space probe that collects infinite knowledge.
We are containers of knowledge and experience; the only difference is that
after each life we are clued in to what we are.
funny thing is we don’t bring people into the world, they are sent in or they
volunteer to come into our lives----most of the time they are life changing
Are [ETs] allowing our society to
become more and more violent?
violent then when----WW2----WW1, Napoleonic wars, Dark ages, the Romans, the
Crusaders, the Moslems, the Greeks, Vikings, etc.
it or not these are very peaceful times compared to the insanity of the past.
do they allow belligerence? -------Several reasons,
1. Humans enjoy violence
2. it’s easier to take than create,
3. Successions of peoples and societies
create a sense of history-----which legitimizes the human allusion that we
originated from this planet----savages evolving through the ages.
4. Because more than one ET is involved
on this planet they introduced competition between the races------for a reason.
5. Everyone on this planet chose to be
here-----to be challenged by a void in their being, greed, hate, and the need
to quench a thirst for blood------are but a few of the reasons.
6. We use fertilizer to get healthy and
beautiful plants and vegetables----the best fertilizer is manure.
7. To appreciate love, peace and
tranquility----some have to experience hell first.
8. ETs accommodate those needs and
goes wrong in a positive state of mind.
illusion of what many perceive as life----is only that-----an illusion.
all see the world from unique perspectives-----someone you think is suffering
may in fact be experiencing something pleasant-----it works the other way
around too. However I am not denying that suffering and pain don’t exist-----in
fact it is rampant----but I can’t go there.
Free will comes with conditions we can’t
choose to not pay taxes, or to earn a living, or when we die. Ok we can choose
any of those---free will---and pay the consequences.
is the free will? In choosing not to be controlled by bad habits, deeds, or
desires---even if they are from Milton type beings---remember the best way to
catch a criminal is via a sting.
about smokers? The addiction is punishment enough don’t you agree?
humans have free will, they may blame it on booze, drugs, ex-lovers, bosses,
politics, the black arts, or whatever but the bottom line is we all choose our
have free will-----although it doesn’t always feel like it.
will is principal to our development, and regardless of our lot in life we are
completely independent.
will is not a myth but a solid as steel reality that no one can connive their
way through.
earth is ET’s playground; humans are more alien to earth than ETs.
Are we humans very special and quite
this universe.
are free to choose any path to “enlightenment” you wish, they all lead to the
same place. Evil done for any reason leads to the same place also-----not to
everlasting damnation as some wish to believe----but everything will be made
right-----the easy way or the hard way. If you have done something wrong and
wish to change your ways they can help you get the encouragement you need
without face to face contact.
hear every thought you have and you can communicate your wishes to them that
way. Bottom line go about you daily business and don't worry----they will do
whatever job it is they have to do----and you don't have to be aware of it.
ETs in charge of this planet have a mandate, and they are carrying it out.
mandate involves each sovereign country and each country has their own unique
challenges and requirements, the mandate can also involve individuals and their
problems or inner needs----but they only facilitate people that know what they
need to make the next step---there are six or so billion people on this
planet---ET is busy.
are not attracted to our personal spirituality, intelligence or good looks---ET
works with everyone on some level.
people don’t need to understand what makes the engine in a car operate---to
operate a car---ET works in a similar way---ET is the engine that makes thing
go---hidden underneath the hood.
best that most don't remember who they are and why they are here, for one that
information would detract and add nothing to this experience.
the aid of ET there would be no escape from this planet, no moving forward, no
advancement in technology and no hope for mankind, earth would be a dead zone.
helping humans is like the blind leading the blind, yet few people understand
that or are aware of that reality.
vast majority need not know any different that's the way ET wants it.
have a soul, the animal part----the body is only a vehicle, nevertheless because
of the soul every human has immeasurable value. People in prison have
immeasurable value also yet they are not treated well---they believe and in
many cases it’s true.
situation whether bad or good is not a statement by ET that we are nothing but
animals or commodities.
our lives are not accidents, or coincidences, everything we go through or
experience on this planet has a purpose.
physical realm is an illusion and is only an extension of the spiritual
is spiritual or plain energy.
that the universe is without beginning and will never end----and that souls
have the same inextinguishable qualities reincarnation is a vehicle for many
kinds of adventures--learning, vacation, growth, punishment, reward and a gamut
of other motives.
there really isn’t any physical---everything we accomplish is through our
spiritual energy----the soul can tap into a vast energy source----some people
like to call it god.
has the ability to tap into that energy----most deign it for a multitude of
faith/psychic healers have discovered it.
think we can all agree that the state of mind is more than half the battle to
any achievement. However, most people
will not buy it----it's far too simple a concept.
can make things a lot easier for many people but everything we go through is by
design---sometimes you can renegotiate a life change during abduction---most of
the time you can't.
run into fake humans every day----figuratively and literally.
you are here for some kind of punishment you chose to be here----you just don't
remember signing that contract
I go
through the same stuff that bothers everyone----but I consider myself fortunate
that they let me know the small details. Same with philosophy it’s nice to have
if you have nothing else.
don't let many problems get to me because I know they are illusions and finite.
everything on earth is an illusion it's unlikely that your nose is going to
take a hit from something real.
you wish to get a small peek at reality you will have to step out of the box
that the vast majority remains trapped inside of.
out the box is not easy---and very few people do it----those in the box call us
crazy for leaving the box. Imagine that....
know exactly what you are signing up for----most of the time it is 100% your
call. Random is on a crap table or slot machine and is an illusion, if you win
it was given to you if you lose it was taken from you.
has something for everyone but complaining will do you no good---chances are
you signed up for it.
life as you know it suits you, you need not search any longer or at all.
illusion of life was created for a purpose and it serves that purpose very
there are those who are allowed to know a few other realities and those people
know who they are.
rest only see nonsense----nothing wrong with that.
Not all of us are here by choice.
When you sign up to improve yourself for whatever reason---you sign up for the
whole ball of wax----otherwise where is the challenge? If you come down here
and become a bum, a criminal or what have you then there are consequences.
do we sky dive, race cars, swim near sharks and do many other stupid things
that can and do get us killed or injured? ----- For the challenge perhaps.
illnesses is a huge challenge----assuming someone pick that----maybe its
punishment for a past life infraction.
the most harden criminals have compassion, but compassion alone will not clear
you of your infraction with the law.
souls while on earth don’t know they are illusions---we put up with speed traps
and sobriety check points because even good people will break the law if they
get the chance to do so.
can often get away with things on earth but nothing slips by ET and they will
point out your shenanigans.
know that all radio and television signals are perpetually drifting out in
live on forever---every thought---every action----and though we can hide behind
names such as sleeper or any other moniker everything that is mine can be
traced back to me or whoever it originated from----for eternity.
is not collected----whatever you generate follows you wherever you are or
go----and whatever you are is known by ET and those at that level. The moment
you die depending on who you are you may be at that echelon.
and possibilities are human level concepts.
you talk to yourself in your head you can also talk to ET---in a conversational
I said to sit alone in the dark I was referring to the fear factor one will
encounter when they are face to face with ET.
people who pray, many believe that being in a church or on their knees or
spinning a prayer wheel will enhance communication with their deities.
rituals and chanting not only annoys humans it annoys ET----straight talk is
all that is required----they hear your thoughts while you drive to work, go
shopping, taking a bath, while you are having dinner, etc Humans have zero
do have freewill and they can abuse or misuse their bodies---look at how some
of us treat our cars, houses and other things entrusted to us.
many things are programmed into the body----like a car assembly
line----different things go into certain cars.
is tested on this planet----to prove to themselves what they are truly made of.
will always be wars, rumors of wars, famines, and natural disasters----otherwise
we will never get off this planet.
and death is one and the same----you die here and live somewhere else.
been that way forever----and it will be that way forever. But don’t
despair----most of existence is really fun.
Suicide for no good reason is
unacceptable---and those who do it will be returned and presented with
additional challenges----more difficult than what they ran away from.
you commit suicide -----without just cause----- you will be returned back to
this planet very quickly and placed into much more difficult
circumstances-----no ifs, ands, or buts.
are not the cause of suicide if it were there would be no people in Third World
Countries----where BTW suicide is low compared to the rest of the world.
people commit suicide to get back at a parent or lover----they do it out of
anger and revenge----and it works----suicide is devastating for those left to
pick up the pieces.
people have thoughts of suicide but the vast majority doesn’t carry it
out-----there is no suicide loop.
suicide is not wrong----terminally ill, and other circumstances like honor----
Samurai warriors and others defeated in battle----the reason behind it makes a
ourselves to get out is the quickest way to get thrown back in---and with the
lights dimmed a tad more.
not on the big rock to plan our escape---most are here to do their time and
with good behavior perhaps move up and eventually out.
on soapbox.
you are at a point where this life sucks and you want off this world---that’s
not a good thing----people in those situation need to change what they are
doing and find something meaningful----those that blow this life and any
opportunities sent their way will only have to come back and try again.
my two cents---and you did ask for them---- I think it would be better to take
the medicine now than put it off and have to come back and do it all over
again---and sometimes it’s a crapshoot where they put you.
around the world---the bad places one can end up in far outnumber the good
places. Earth is a prison only few can choose to leave---the rest can only
escape by killing themselves---but if they do without just cause they are
instantly returned to the big house--earth.
for selfish reasons to get back at someone verses terminal disease, one is
acceptable the other not. Many young people who do it end up in a self-induced
hell because they have to endure the pain they cause to those they left behind.
Some are sent right back to earth instantly with a whole new situation to
Those who do it for legit reasons are
not penalized, besides no one is “judged”, we are not here to be judged, but to
learn and have as much fun as we can squeeze out of this life---or not.
is optional, learning mandatory.
is serious business and not a loophole off this planet except for extreme
cases, and those cases are decided on the other side. The entities on the other
side know us inside and out more that we know ourselves, and they cannot be
deceived, not even a little---in other words, we can’t talk ourselves out of
anything, there is no prosecutor and defense, like in the movie “Defending Your
Life”. It is a good movie because it gives a believable fun perspective that there
is something after this life. Plus, they could eat all they want and not gain
weight! The moment we do what we do it’s
a done deal, the why and why not is known to them that instant.
Why are suicides so unmercifully
treated (sent back into harder circumstances)?
is a pain zone, we deal with it and try to move beyond it to a higher spiritual
level. What do we do when people, inmates, escape from the hellhole of prison?
Souls at school wouldn't/couldn't
commit suicide?
can and do.
crosses everyone's mind, some more than others.
Like souls that reach levels of
awareness, their infringements get smaller and their life gets better and with
appreciation, an upward spiral once awake.
who come to the understanding that there is a bigger picture know better.
healthy normal people suicide is a big deal and they are shown the agony they
have left behind---for some that torment is infinitely worse than the reason
that cause them to kill themselves.
always beg to undue (undo ?) the travesty but it’s not allowed---most are
returned to earth within minutes of killing themselves and given a whole new
set of challenges---most of the people on this planet don’t have it easy and
most live in real hellish conditions---for those who can’t handle the easy
stuff---it don’t get easier.
are exceptions for suicide---terminal illness, coma, honor, are a few.
Most suicides are done out of
spite---to get even with a parent, lover, friend, society etc. Suicide is
mostly a selfish or vengeful act and not a sign of giving up. Some suicides are
from desperation, pain, and other reasons. Our guides know why we do what we do
and always put that into the equation.
guides do attempt to derail the suicide with fear and guilt tactics, whatever
they can do they will do including placing other options into their minds, but
they will not remove the reason to do it---until the person makes the choice to
abort their plan---then the reasons usually melt away---as do all problems when
without a good reason are unacceptable and in some cases are returned
immediately after they are shown the pain they caused to others who may have
loved them. They are not returned to their old body but have to start over
again as a baby. When we originally come in we are destined to a certain life,
if we try and escape vie suicide our next life could be in a much worse
environment, like third world.
allows for suicides by “some”---and some humans can make those calls. Once we
make decisions we deal with the consequences of those decisions. It’s a perfect
system designed for imperfect souls.
are seen for what they are and nothing more. Some suicides are legitimate. Most
are not. Breaking out of prison before doing our time does come with penalties
and additional prison time, not less.
Suicide bombers:
are indestructible and survive completely whole. Most of them watch the
explosion while out of their bodies before it happens. Only those who cause the
suffering will suffer the full carnage of their own doing---over and over
again----it’s truly a never ending hell for the suicide bombers.
these people had any idea what kind of hell they are going to enter into they
would never in a million years do such hateful and deranged acts.
victims assuming they are not carrying evil baggage of their own will be
instantly transported to a place we know as heaven---zero pain and surrounded
by pure love.
who survive these horrendous attacks and remain on earth will have to work
through new challenges.
paint a nice picture of what’s to come after here to encourage those who
believe that life has nothing to offer----but this life is very important and
what you do with it will determine where you end up next---use this life
is a machine---plants, animals, even basic matter----souls are the only
planet is fine but it is way low on the intergalactic scale concerning things
to do---like comparing a small town of 200 people with a city like New York.
people living in the western world are clueless to how bad many people on this
planet have it, more than four billion people live way below poverty---- So the
rest might count their blessing if they live above the poverty line.
enough more people in the west and well-off communities commit suicide, and sit
around waiting for death than those who live on the edge of hell in Third World
can say that the model T Ford has evolved and split into many lines of Ford
cars over the decades----humans were behind that evolution---not luck or
haven’t evolved over the centuries----there were different species of humans
throughout the centuries and there still are.
Homo sapiens of today were the homo sapiens of yesterday----humans haven’t
changed only their surroundings, cultures and technology have.
doesn’t do everything for us we are here for a purpose----but that purpose is
not necessarily the occupation we find ourselves in----but it may be.
purpose is anything that helps us move forward in this life
you can get through the illusion of difficulties we all are presented with and
remain happy and content you have achieved your purpose everything else is
are not a civilization we are individuals living in a civilization-----we are
not a colony of ants or a herd, or robots, nor zombies-----we are each unique
individuals with souls forged in celestial furnaces by the gods.
enter this planet alone and we leave it alone----we don t come and go as a
society, herd or colony.
civilization acquire anything on their own, intelligence or technology----just
like we have children, and our children have children, each generation of
parents takes care of their children----otherwise there would be no children.
are free to get from point A to point B however they choose-----how they do it
will determine their next test and eventually their next hunting ground in the
has never been a day without wars in some corner of the world----
are dozens of wars going on as we speak
only wars that make headlines are the conflicts super powers get involved
with---because those are the ones with the most consequences.
you manage to dodge all the bad things life will throw at you and maintain a
healthy and positive perspective on life-----you have achieve more than 95% of
the world population---and that takes some doing
people are those that don’t lose their cool in the battle of life
people lose their focus at the first hint of trouble and never regain
it----living the rest of their lives as unproductive and cynical people-----in
effect they have wasted their lives and opportunities to help themselves and
others----not a good thing in the big picture.
on this planet are here because they are not perfect
trip to perfection is a long and treacherous journey----and not achieve easily
in one life----most people require many lifetimes to get there.
of the world is focused today on what they perceive to be the wicked witch of
the west---sixty years ago ET used the west to stop Japan, Germany, and Italy
in their tracks.
the West is the bad guy.
Anyway, there is no bad or
good-----only learning experiences----it’s really that simple. What you do in
any situation you find yourself in----determines what you are made of The blame
game is an earth level activity-----child’s play with no winners.
perfection on earth is a rarity----but you can move on from here to other more
challenging planets.
many perfect people have you run into or read about throughout history? I’m not
talking about those who think they are perfect----that would be at least half
the population if not more.
Do you think that the human mind is
perfect? Evolution’s greatest masterpiece?
the big picture the human mind is no more than a calculator----processes
numbers and probabilities----human minds are barely conscience----their only
purpose in life is to ask questions----who am I----what’s my purpose in
life-----is this all there is-----what does that remind you of?-----perhaps an
inquisitive child----and I’m talking about adult minds. I’m not
denigrating----only pointing out facts.
and you will find----is a legitimate statement----everyone is searching and
most will not find-----and that’s not important----but they will get a big
surprise when they wake up from this life.
IQ is a gift as is everything-----those who use it wisely are better equipped
to deal with this life----and therefore if they chose to, influence in positive
ways other travelers on this journey called life.
life forms have consciousness but to
what level I don’t know-----many machines that accompany ETs have the same kind
of awareness that animals display yet they are nothing but smart equipment that
perform services-----in a way similar to what pets provide----companionship,
protection, entertainment, and helpful like seeing eye dogs, or beasts of
burden like horses, mules etc.
life forms are sophisticated machines without souls, however a soul is a
soul----and a soul can enter into any machine including pets and
insects-----for a verity of purposes including entertainment or
punishment----the machine one enters into determines what that soul can or
can’t do-----anything less than a human life can be a very boring and tedious
existence for a soul
machines are autonomous robots and function without anyone at the
controls-----the human machine is the exception, it is designed specifically
for a soul.
Most non-human
physical bodies are soulless they operate on a high level of intelligence what
we call artificial intelligence or instinct-----one and the same btw-----yet
souls can enter them-
usually for a short duration
is no such thing as soulless behavior you are either a soul or a
toaster-----insects and animals are complex forms of toasters.
are wired to reproduce and have fun with sex----breaks
the monotony of this life. Lust is a form of love and it takes two people to
create a baby even if it’s by accident or invitro.
don’t create souls----and creating a baby is a no-brainer----some don’t even
know how it happens.
important, the body knows how to procreate without much human input.
did not create the human body----the human body is self-perpetuating----sex is
the mechanism.
are in the correct body, they are simply unconventional while on this plain of
existence---it’s not a soul issue, it’s more of a character choice that some
get to make when entering this world---some get to make---not all.
humans were created with many sexual bells and whistles with lots of biological
hardware and software to run those sexual desires and fantasy programs, all
normal humans have them, like it or not.
humans and some other higher brained mammals like dolphins, sex is more than a
procreation mechanism, it’s made for fun---and like drinking it should be done
responsibly. Sex as any human emotion can be abused and perverted. But we do
more harm to others when we over do the love emotion---how many lovers have
fallen into zealous love traps? How often do we spoil and ruin our children
with love? ---love has done more harm than sex ever will.
is someone’s orgasm.
is a pacifier for the lower level entities like humans.
are two reasons why sex was created---procreation and fun---there are no
restrictions on either other than law and common sense.
is the cheapest way to get physical living stuff into this plane of existence
and keep it propagating---so insects do it, animals do it, plants do it, humans
do it, and so do we. Sex is a gift not a temptation---and is only evil if used
for evil purposes----sex itself is never evil---however, people can be evil
with anything they think they have control over.
Is sex a bad thing when over used?
we over eat we get fat---sex burns fat. Nothing wrong with sex or how much we
have. Sexuality is a large part of life on many levels above human, where it is
pleasure without the procreation angle. The higher up we go the less work we
need to do and there is plenty of time for the fun stuff, sex being only a part
of the large pie of delightful diversions.
is the most misunderstood and maligned human emotion in all of human history.
Certain religions have misconstrued the original writings and confused the
sinful lust for multiple pagan gods for human sexual relations---somehow that
got twisted around and created havoc in the minds and lives of millions of
people in the past as well as today.
we call sex is nectar from heaven, some of us feel squeamish about it because
of upbringing or other beliefs.
fact is our sexual bodies were created by higher beings, beings who resided in
places we refer to as heaven or nirvana or whatever.
sexual pleasures are but a very small taste of what these entities exist in all
the time---we touch the hem of heaven while in sexual ecstasy
sex be misused and perverted---like all good things yes it can.
Why all the disease and danger
created around sex? It is contradictory. Why has sex become a cesspool for the
is not heaven, and is more like hell, and not everyone is allowed to touch the
hem of heaven just because they have the sexual equipment.
is a gift for most and a nightmare for others. It doesn’t add anything to the
soul other than some temporary delight, like a candy bar. In other words lots
of whoopee doesn’t earn us a favored place in heaven---- only a taste of higher
is not a sin, but what we do with it can be because many problems in this world
are sex related---jealousy, hate, envy, perversions, rape, and murder.
reasons for sex, procreate and entertainment
is not the big deal some humans have made it out to be---it’s hardware that
comes with our bodies, and our desires is software loaded into us---some people
have perverted their software but overall most sex is natural---designed by
those who created our bodies---the gods are laughing at how complicated we make
the simple things in life. Ok they are not really laughing because it’s not
funny, it is sad.
energy is not built up spiritually energy. Lust is normal human energy, nothing
negative about it unless we make it negative.
too many humans have taken sexuality the wrong way. Sex is only one more
element in the human tool box, not much more. There is nothing sinful about it.
is not sinful it's a gift. We lose when we take advantage of others for
personal gain or pleasure.
Are all humans; males and females,
genetically predisposition to being a bi-sexual? I'm guessing yes. Considering
that back in Ancient times, all humans' had was sex, kind of like now.
it's suppressed in most.
If the universe is balanced by polar
opposites, positive, negative, male, female, yin and yang, why does
homosexuality exist?
universe is not part of the neurosis of positive, negative, yin or yang, that's
a 3D deficit. Homosexuality exists in the animal world, and so do humans. It's
a function, a glitch, in the sex hormone software. But it does have some soul
element/ issue, too. Hey, I'm trying to be politically correct here.
move up or down the ladder of eternity for the same reasons as do all other
souls. I speak as a heterosexual, not bi, nor have I experimented. We 3Ds place
way too much baggage on sexuality because of misunderstood and deliberately
manipulated religious stories. When fornication was used in biblical times they
were talking about fornicating with pagan religions, had nothing to do with
sex. But over the centuries sex was demonized because of it. Now we have AIDS,
which would seem like punishment for homosexuals. But the fact is many
homosexuals are not being punished by it and many heterosexuals are. It is a
plague, and like all plagues throughout history it serves a purpose. There is
something more to AIDS that I will not get into, but damnation is not what it's
all about, well, maybe partly.
is a reflection, a product of a sexually repressed society, Freud was correct.
We can't repress our love for sex, it's unnatural.
is a toy as is work, hobbies, studies, learning, etc., they are all toys. And
have little meaning in the big picture. What carries meaning is what we do with
the toys we play with. Do we damage others with our toys? Are we hateful,
jealous of other people's toys? Stuff like that. Toys themselves are not the
problem, how we act is.
is software. How we use our software is where some of us get into trouble.
Cheating on a lover is bad, I think most of us know and understand that.
are many people brought into this world who already know about what exists and
what the real truth is. But it will take many lifetimes for some to wake up.
one can discover everything in a single life time----do first graders figure it
all out their first year in school? And even after college or high school
learning is a constant requirement to move forward in this life and all the
ET’s help nothing happens----ET is the extended family
a big universe and a very big consciousness----the higher you go the more you
can grasp.
are placed into baby bodies so that they have a new slate to work from without
the distractions of other lives or experiences.
is possible----but not while a human.
planet is not behind [anything] it is exactly where is should be----all the
problems in this world are here to be resolved----most will do good to resolve
their own problems----if that’s all they are up to doing then that is fine.
the only thing you have to do while on this planet is finish school, find
something you are interested in and make the best of it, get married and have a
family----enjoy this life as much as you can----and stop worrying about all the
that what life should be about? -----not worrying about every little thing
is full of questions about life-----relax and enjoy the ride-----you're not
going to know everything because human brains are blocked so take what you can
use and move on with your life----life really is not that big of a deal.
one is stopping you from enjoying this life but if you screw it up you will get
many more chances to make things right
like in this life there are people that fail but they get back on the horse and
keep going---that’s what it is all about----never giving up.
you say is recorded for eternity and you will have to make amends for your evil
human race is not doomed----it is made of up hundreds of generations and each
generation gets to experience certain things----your children will venture
further into space than your generation----and their children even
further----your generation will be part of building the first structures on the
moon and perhaps on Mars but the vast majority of your generation will not
venture into space at all.
bodies are what they strap the soul into like a seatbelt on a car-----so that
we can experience life on earth----the challenges and everything that goes with
individuals lives.
are here to learn and to prove to ourselves what we are made of-----and you
can’t do that in a perfect utopian world.
happens without ET’s knowledge or input----sounds cruel but no one said this
planet was heaven-----for some it’s like hell.
humans have the capacity to know inside their soul, the first step to unlocking
that information is believing it’s possible
only danger is that if you become too enlightened while on earth you also can
become on outcast because you still have to live around people that are
not----and people are uncomfortable around people that are different.
true life is here also----what you do on this plane of existence is part of
what you are---knowing the real truth is not essential but it helps.
there a common vision for the future of mankind that is shared by us
collectively? Peace and survival-----which neither can be achieved.
we destined to become spiritually self-aware in our physical life?
want to believe that but how many of us see that happening in the people around
is a lot of verity in music on this planet and a number of ETs from across the
galaxy here, however we are in a primitive state of being and our tastes are
much different-----I don’t recall hearing elevator music while going up.
is vibrations and so are we and ET too. All music and sounds hit a cord with
someone. The higher we move up the scale the more vibes we become aware of and
interact with, for no other reason than pure pleasure. We get but a mere taste
of it with the music we love here in 3D land.
is a vibration, and so are we, that’s why we jive with it.
Is what we see as life a symphony to
love it when we finally tune out the distractions and tune in to the music of
what life is really about, which is joy---finding it and holding on to it is
what it’s all about.
Do we as humans with our ears get a
sorry tiny little taste of what music really is? Many of us get a sorry little taste of what life could be,
and should be.
is energy---and depending on what kind it is determines if it’s good energy or
bad energy---
enjoyment is sometimes based on past experiences.
humans in a reincarnation type situation keep working at each life until they
get it right and then move on to the next level.
this planet pain, fear, terror, and psychopaths are part of the program----it’s
an incentive to keep us moving forward and keeping our nose clean
will die it’s the only way to get to the next level----up or down.
situation is not by chance or just plain bad luck----which btw there is no such
ET’s world----which everyone is a part of----sickness and pain are tools
know your predicament, and they know how to fix you-----and regardless of what
you think that is what they are doing----sometimes they incorporate the medical
profession but not everyone in this world has access to it.
all are strangers in this land-----some have been here before others have been
sent down here-----until they get it right.
do expect you to do well----and everyone down deep inside knows what that means
We are protégés, students, family----some of us have gone astray but no matter
which road you take they all lead home.
you met anyone who couldn’t use more money?
Money is a gift and a curse----but mostly a gift----life really sucks without
it and billions on this planet know the sting of poverty.
that have money haven’t looked for it----those that look for it hardly ever
finds it. Money is a funny thing---no one really knows where the bigger part of
it comes from----nor where the bigger part goes. I wish some of it would come
my way---
are not here to impress ET or God, or anyone else for that matter----but if you
do the drinks our on you-----
helps to have someone on the other side----family or friends that have passed
away and have achieved a level that allows them those privileges----they would
be the tour guide. But that’s a two edged sword, they could use that time to
chew you out----they call it tough love
don't know why you are here-----they do.
are not pawns for ETs; we are what they use to be.
are many false prophets, here is a short list: Stalin, Hitler, Jim Jones...
these people promised that they would change the world-----and in fact they
did-----but as we know not for the good.
to love god doesn’t make one special, and in some instance makes them good
suicide bombers
too are going to change the world.
time someone comes along and states that they are going to change the world
what they really means is that they want to rule the world.
time you come back even with a purpose you still have that pesky freewill to
deal with---if you choose to smoke or jump in front of a moving car you will
alter the original contract. Remembering has nothing to do with
anything----other than it can give you an advantage---sometimes you get them
but mostly you don’t.
never makes mistakes-----humans make a career out of making them
of us know----it’s called gut feeling, instinct or intuition-----all of those
are gifts that clue us into many things without giving us all the details of
the big picture known as life.
If you
avoid cancer causing things you may not get cancer, but if you did everything
right and still got cancer, then it was part of the deal-----death is an exit
from this board game and we don’t always get to finish the game especially if
we have detracted from it to a point that going further is pointless.
is wasted, all that we have, money included is given or taken from
us----according to our purpose in this life.
millions die from cancer and a host of other things and reasons every day.
in this game called life is an illusion-----what we do in this illusion is real
and we take that with us when we leave.
is no pitcher, we enter and leave this stage alone.
is precisely a romper room proving ground.
of the people you meet in this life you shared lives with them in other planets
and other times on this planet.
is a combination of fate and freewill----and there is no contradiction
are pretty much all the same but at different levels of awareness----most that
are free to
the galaxy don’t need to be controlled they know what is right and wrong
Nothing gets under the radar for humans or ET from the collective conscious.
is a playpen-----try telling a child that the toy he is playing with is a
useless waste of his or her time
the toys we get to play with do help us grow----so they are not a waste of
people don’t like the idea that earth is a playpen, they prefer to think of it
as a hell-hole---it’s actually both----but no one has to believe what I write.
is not a reward for everyone, for some it is self-imposed punishment.
choice is your choice, and what you do with those choices will determine if you
return to the hellhole you created for yourself or move on to something more to
your liking the next time around----assuming you don’t figure it out while
you’re here now.
ET is
not going to fix your problems for you or the Van Gogh’s of the world----they
gave him a talent----and they gave the world the painting he produced
one grabs you and shoves genius into your head----you have to go out and work
for it--and you might get lucky and they will give you something----but
happiness is elusive----that is one thing you have to get on your own.
ET provides
opportunities what we do with those fleeting opportunities determine who we
souls know that we are not alone and when we are in fear we cry out for this
unknown power to help us----and they do hear because no one is ever alone in
this world.
fear is the reason for being down here on earth for most people----everyone has
to fight some form of fear
fear and pain also have a purpose we don’t stick our hand into fire because it
hurts, and we don’t do stupid things like walking on a ledge of a high building
for fear of falling---unless those are specific things you wish to master
fear is illusion and nothing can hurt our souls unless we are evil or pursue
evil things and thoughts---hate and envy are the two main stumbling blocks that
get people into trouble. If you are a good person and have no hate in you then
you have nothing to fear----including silly spirits.
have heard the term “life is a stage”----well life is a stage----so put on the
best act you can while you are here.
are not part of an experiment and ETs are not tracking you---they can follow us
around and remain completely invisible.
all belong to the same family----I know that doesn’t necessarily mean anything
here on earth----but it does in the big picture.
on earth for the vast majority is not pleasant, neither is boot camp.
example take one classroom full of children----some children are disciplined
more than others---and some are not disciplined at all.
with life on earth.
enlightened souls don’t frequent places like earth----not that they are “too
good” for earth but they are occupied at high levels----most of the people on
earth live in Third World countries-----do those humans higher up the food
chain go live amongst them?----A few do but they do it for their own spiritual
as we humans obviously don’t know, it is far stranger than anything we can
imagine while in this life
we call “physical realms” like what we have here on earth is really not
physical but illusion and everything we call or believe to be spiritual,
ephemeral, apparitional is in reality real and more physical that this
existence or life.
ET shows things like the tsunami to some people before they happen yet don’t
let them do anything about it is because for one nothing happens by
accident----nor via the so called
of nature”
people carry the burden of guilt perhaps believing that they could have done
something to warn before it happened----some think these things are warnings
from the gods to get our collective 6.5 billion people act together----like
that is even possible----we all have our own ideas and we all see things a
little differently----and most of us see hype in the camps we don’t agree with
shows these things as they do many other fantastic phenomena as a means to give
a little peek behind the curtain of illusion that this life is, which most of
those stuck in this life are clueless about.
brains are transmitters therefore every thought is picked up by ETs
ignore most requests for obvious reasons; this planet is not a theme park and
most of them are here doing certain jobs.
understand our individual situations and they know that everyone will get their
invoice or bonus points at the checkout counter.
are behind our inspirations, our technology, and everything that makes the
world what it is.
are placed into certain situations----pain and suffering are secondary concerns
to the broader reality of life experiences.
of opportunities lost is the end result for those clothed in the muck of
arrogance and stupidity----few escape the allure of those two great
transgressions because down deep inside we all crave to be bad----that’s why we
are here----didactic me my unintentional nature.
no accident that the human body is a pain machine it was made that way----today
we are fortunate, we can only take so much and the body dies----in the old days
that was not the case---and the wardens could place an entity into a human body
or even into the body of an animal----and they could be killed or tortured
planet remains a prison, some have it easier than others----and no one
escapes----suicides are returned immediately or sent to a similar planet
elsewhere. But there are exceptions for some suicides and for others
planet is a prison because few can chose to leave it---but many people are here
to learn something----not necessarily to expand their understanding of the big
picture----that’s not important for the vast majority----countless humans are
not here to learn anything they are simply incarcerated, doing time and once
they leave they will be returned to this planet without knowing or vacation
time in between the two lives
I can
nonchalantly talk about things of this nature because most will not or cannot
believe---and that’s a good thing.
is a fine line between punishment and proving ground----the best swords are
those that get lots of heat and pounding.
are here for a different reason than me or anyone else so the answer to your
personal problems has to come from you----somehow you have to determine what is
broke and try to fix it----fixing it is secondary trying to fix it is
primary----but most of our problems are connected to some level of hate and
some level of envy.
individual in this planet are free, many are not and most are simply doing
time----one might call that pre-destination.
the universe is generous with us it only seems right that we are also generous
with the gifts we have----not to say that we can’t reap the rewards of our
can never be overly generous and each of us will reap what we sow---good or
on earth the vast majority live no better than animals. The main difference is
that those on the other side know that resources of the mind are limitless,
here many believe that they came from slim and others believe they must live
impoverished lives to appease the gods---rubbish
of us have the power of superman and each one of us is as wealthy as our
brethren on the other side----filthy rich with unlimited resources
one can make a flower bloom, the flower must bloom on its own----no one on this
planet can hold anyone down---the power to shine or not too shine is within
each of us.
soul came into this world alone and each soul will have to find its way out of
the muck on its own----some people appear to have advantages and that’s because
they do---they came in at a higher level.
is not utopia, earth is a proving ground for those who want to get to
utopia----however everyone is capable of improving their own lives considerably
while here on earth if they pick up on the clues all around them.
When we begin to use our minds and
not abuse them we become aware of the bigger picture---there is no need or
lack, those are illusions to keep people in their place---wallowing in self-pity
and despair
can break free of those chains or remain in them with the rest of the
We as
humans are aware of many things----poverty, war, hunger, greed, loss of loved
ones---being aware of those things don’t make us happy---but those are things
some have learned to live with.
what you ask for because we always get what we ask for----sooner or later.
could end hunger and poverty and wars and diseases and make this planet a
utopia---but they are not going to----however they are going to slack up on it
and make things better than they are now but we still have a couple of speed
bumps to pass over before that happens. The religious wars are the main
bumps----and like everything they have to play themselves out---many weak souls
will get the opportunity to show what they are truly worth. Weak souls are not
worth much and they will prove that to themselves by their
actions---combat/terrorism brings out the worst and the best in people.
other main bump is the resistance to change, too many people fear the future
and are reluctant to let technology lead the way.
a planet for many things as well as a prison and place for punishment for many
souls that did not come here of their own freewill, they are incarcerated here.
regardless of the reasons they are here are free to get off the roller
coaster--mentally speaking if they chose to----but that can take a lot of will
power for some.
experience here is extremely important.
is persistent and will eventually breakthrough the toughest barriers----some
people find it early and therefore move forward sooner others take longer and
require more life times on planets like earth before they make contact with the
who are here strictly for punishment are blocked from leaving and will
depending on why they are here have to do several tours before they can get out
are in their last stages of their reincarnation cycles and many are here for
learning purposes and will leave this earth once they achieved their goal, and
some are on vacation.
the horse your riding isn’t taking you were you want to go get on a different
takes power to restrain consciousness----once we are free of our bodies we
become infinitely more aware.
body is the power plant that keeps the brain alive and the soul entrapped---and
humans have the ability to love----we
just don’t have a good handle on it----and we are stingy with the little love
abilities we do have.
we show our worth by displaying love to other Earthlings, if it true and only
ET and the person know.
is energy on to itself which few humans on this level have yet to truly
experience--because life gets in the way---lol
we do “not” eventually become one large mass of love---we remain individuals.
is what we were made from, and we crave it because most of us down here don’t
get enough of it.
is a tricky substance, we are willing to give it only if we get it---but it
don’t work that way, we have to give it unconditionally to get it, and when we
stop or cut back in the giving department we in turn get cut off.
is what we want to receive in abundance, but stingy we are sharing it. Love is
not punching the lights out of someone that pissed you off, instead forgive
them. Do that enough times and your cup will overflow, and people will love you
for it. Love is not about receiving but about giving. Giving the little things
to those around us, like understanding, forgiveness, be an asset, not a burden.
Whatever makes life more enjoyable, go to the park with the kids, not the bar
with the buddies’ kind of thing.
is something that develops over space and time. Infatuation is what most people
get initially. If it's mutual, then you start building a relationship, one
brick at a time.
is knowing someone near and dear are temporary gifts. Love is the fear of
losing those precious gifts.
In 3D
land love is more a selfish thing than a real deal thing. We love those who
love us, and or we love to fill a hole in our souls. Yes we do care for those
we love... but often on our terms and with conditions. Pure love on the other
side is far different than the stuff we embroil ourselves in down here. Much
hate and despair comes from broken love, or loss of love, or loss of a loved
one. That could never happen in "real" love.
easy to give love, difficult to receive it. Focus on giving it and if you get
some back it's a plus. We are all soul mates but that don't mean we can stand
to live under the same roof.
for reward real or imagined is a good indication of what a soul is made of.
How can a person know if they are on
vacation or if they should involve themselves in a religious war?
are not aware consciously but down deep they know.
you think you are on the right track then most likely you are.
America is the only super power and can be clumsy with other countries here on
earth but when compared to ET we are ants---the smallest ones.
Do we live in a fish bowl or a toilet
on one’s perspective, the fish don’t think they live in a toilet.
any of us to move to other levels in this galaxy we will have to prove we care
about our fellow man and woman---you don’t skate free---and if you do it will
be into oblivion The world is filled with Lego toys and we can play with them
and construct things with them--and also be proud of our achievements if we
understand that sounds demeaning and condescending but it’s a fact that will be
apparent to all humans before the end of this century---you find out now or
later---that’s the way it is.
learn about ourselves by the way we interact and treat others; everything else
is entertainment or whatever else we manage to make out of our life with what
we are given. External influences put us into situation that test us---but no
matter how bad someone believes they have it, it's all illusion---and someday
that soap bubble of illusion will burst and you will find yourself somewhere
else, perhaps in another part of the galactic space we all live in
is an advantage of knowing certain things like there is no death and life keeps
getting better the higher we climb that ladder.
you were in jail do you think you would feel like you fit in?
it's way better to know what is going on out there than remaining in a bleak
life and believing it will never get any better than this---man does it get
better for most !
can easy the mind of a parent when it concerns the death of a child.
whole gamut is available to people on this earth, only dependent on what level
they are at---many will not know until they expire
are all spiritual beings even here on earth, our bodies---ball and
chain—vibrates at a lower frequency than our soul---we are being held in place
by inferior matter---
are free to achieve and pursue whatever it is you wish---but most of the work
must come from you---and there is no guaranty of success.
To be
fair I will tell you that many come into this planet with certain talents,
privileges, and gifts that they have earned before hand---and they basically
step into their privileged positions as they grow up.
most certainly are those that are “Gifted” and “privileged:” Einstein, Tesla,
Beethoven, Galileo, and the list is endless---they came to earth with their
gifts intact---they only had to unlock them with a little key, the rest of us
need a much bigger key to unlock whatever it is we have---lol
are all free to reach for the stars, and many will catch a ride to greatness
from shear blood, sweat, tears and determination---that’s a gift we all have
those that come in with their gifts---they don’t have to make the same
effort---because they have already earned it before coming here---
is no free lunch, and everyone will earn what they have.
and any advantage uploaded into our lives before we come down here is pure
privilege and a gift to make the best with while here. Some squander their
gifts and deprive themselves and the world around them of perhaps a new
invention, prose, song, leadership, etc.
of us come here with all the ingredients ready to go, gifts earned in other
lives---but they can be squandered. Others will need to work hard and long to
do or achieve what they want---not having earned it---until they make it
happen, which is allowed.
we allowed to carry them over to another lifetime?
if we are advancing or regressing
humans in truth are in possession of preexisting gifts, talents, not of our own
doing---I like throwing around the phrase “there is no free lunch” which is
true to a point, but the fact is everything is free and for the taking, or
borrowing---most just don’t know that. You have full access to your abilities
without entering into the machinery behind them. Where is the line between inspired acts (creativity) and freewill? If I
consciously choose to hit a sequence of piano keys, how is this an act which a
higher form of life has communicated?
you build the computer---your brain that sends those electrical signals to your
hand to hit the keys? Did you or did your brain accumulate the info that got
you to where you are now--experimenting with the piano keys?
inside your subconscious mind provided you with inspiration, choices to pick
from, and ability to know what sounds right and what doesn’t?
are free to pick the good from the bad---that is free will.
do come here with past talent or are given talent when they come to good old
planet earth.
What's the scoop on kids and their
of us come here with most of the software pre-installed and only need unwrap it
to expose it.
Are we given talents and gifts
borrowed from our most recent past life to use or fix?
and no, but most don’t, we usually get a whole new set of toys to challenge us,
to make us better or worse.
is a gift we enjoy and share, even in hell. Like Bob Hope would take his troupe
of actors into battle zones to entertain the troops.
gift from the gods is simply a job description, those who make music are not
the “music”--they are only doing a job. Same with all gifts and talents that help
or affect other humans. A super star gets a rude awakening when they wake from
this life, and realize that their gift was simply a gift and a job, nothing
Are thoughts, the tools we are given
in the toolbox of our minds?
capacity to love, hate or be indifferent are the tools of the brain. They are
preprogrammed into our hard drive, and we use whichever suits us at any given
Stealing is another matter and comes with
don’t advocate snitching. I grew up in a neighborhood were turning someone in
was a quick way to get hot lead into your head. And most people look down on
whistle blowers unless it’s against a competing politician or corporate CEO---
America those in need can get assistance if they want it---some people don’t
want it---my parents for instance---they refused welfare even though we were
always hungry and our clothes old. Interestingly enough, my friends who did
live in public housing and on welfare have continued to do so.
my friends’ shoplifted candy and toys, things they didn’t really need, I seldom
had toys or candy but never felt the need to steal---yet it never bothered me
that they stole---it was the norm.
bottom line we all have to draw those lines on how much we are willing or able
to tolerate in this life. Because there will always be a reason to do something
if we really want to do it, or overlook it.
have to make these crazy tough calls---and depending on our level of
consciousness will determine how difficult those calls will be.
are not here to judge and police every negative petty activity of others that
cross our paths---the big stuff is another matter.
is a funny thing unless it’s your stuff that’s getting lifted---
feel it most when some thief has the audacity to enter our home and trash our
treasured valuables and personal belongings----for a few items that will be
sold for a few dollars on the streets for drugs or booze.
law abiding folk can justify stealing when it’s small like a paper clip from a
filthy rich CEO, or an apple from a small mom and pop grocery store for a
hungry mouth.
Hood is popular more so in our day than in the past when the need was more
real. When I was growing up in my very tough and rough neighborhood some of the
food on our table was provided by one of the dons in a “social” club across the
street from where we lived. My parents didn’t take charity from the government
but they did take it from some shady characters now and then, perhaps they made
them a deal they couldn’t refuse---lol So where do we draw the line on the hot merchandise?
for each one of us to decide.
hot stuff knowingly is worse than stealing it. Those who steal take certain
chances that those who buy, don't. Stealing comes with a high cost and few
exceptions are allowed for it. Many of us have stolen something, mostly little
things around the office at work. That doesn't carry the same penalties but it
is dishonest, and that does. Catholics can go to confession and say a few hail Mary’s,
the rest of us have to make amends somehow. Best do it while still alive.
best way to happiness is making other people happy, but that’s not always
possible. Nevertheless happiness is contagious and it’s a good thing whenever
we can create it for ourselves and then spread it to others.
are here to be happy and make others happy---if at all possible---even those
under sentence are free to be happy if they so wish---even if being burnt at
the stake---the mind is a powerful machine for those who figure out how to us
is not our home, it’s a transition to other more fantastic existence---but our
time on earth is extremely important, otherwise we may not make it to the other
neat places.
what I’m told it’s impossible for humans to leave this solar system while in
their corporal bodies, and only ETs have the technology to do that on a large
is not utopia---people have to die and go through certain
experiences---depending on why they are here in the first place.
one is on earth by accident---everyone was put here for a reason.
much easier to handle before the teens, it's almost normal---but once the mind
becomes use to earth it blocks out much of reality and the past existence---and
life becomes intimidating---and the ETs equation that much more so.
me my friend you have seen planets too, and will again---they certainly didn’t
create the solar system exclusively for my pleasure---lol
this planet could use a bit of shaking up---and in fact it gets quite a bit of
shaking up with all the wars, poverty, and the far too many people with that
couldn’t give a crap attitude. There is no easy answer for this quagmire, and I
definitely don’t have one.
mutate sperm/embryos to keep genetic generation weakness from happening---or to
make it happen---there are several variations of human bodies in this solar
system---everybody is customized to fit the person or entity---even here on
is nothing unique about earth; there are bazillions of similar planets in our
galaxy alone Nevertheless, those that throw thrash out of their cars and
pollute the streets of our cities will be sent to garbage dump planets to
live---well they should be---lol
great thing about this planet is that no one can be forced to do what they
don’t want to do---tempted yes.
the end we prove what we are made of by what we have done to, or for,
others---in our everyday lives---no one need become a missionary to accomplish
the simple things. Have you picked your colors for the new planet yet?
have greatly under estimated what heaven is really about
is part of heaven, one room in a mansion filled with bazillions of
rooms---earth is like a hall closet---once you get into the living room and kitchen---you
will be blown away---that where all the fun is
are earth base punishment---lol---and a means for inferior economic systems to
operate with.
are free to lean, the smart ones get their college degrees via taxpayer dollars
while serving their time---the others only complain that it’s societies’ fault
that they are what they are and do nothing to improve themselves while they are
in jail—most come right back once they are let out---have you noticed?
is a school and many will make something of themselves while here---others will
only complain about how bad they have it and not make any improvements while
here---they will be back----
As a
matter of fact when we serve ourselves we miss out on upward mobility.
Nevertheless, our own wellbeing is principal to the wellbeing of those around
us and those we touch.
children---some---remain connected to the other side and have frequent contact
with people they knew before being dropped off on this planet.
Why the human race is here?
the 64 million dollar question---do I get the cash if I answer? ---lol It’s so
simple that many will only laugh and I have said it many times before
were all flown here some in huge ships crammed into them like sardines, from
various parts of the galaxy, tagged with work orders and provided with bodies
and lives individually designed for each and every one of us---all six and one
half billion people---for only one reason---drum roll please----
to prove anything to any god---wife, husband, children, parents, mother in
law---wait, scratch mother in law---
to prove what we are made of to ourselves, let me say it again---ah forget
The meaning of life is simply to be
many people during your lifetime that you have met fit that description?
life is much more than that, but to know yourself is paramount---and it will
determine which planet you get to visit next.
one of us have assignments, they are mostly personal assignments, and when they
are completed they---many get picked up by a strange craft and taken elsewhere
for their next assignment---some---most---will get “beamed” directly to another
star system.
earth experience is fleeting---best grab the important things in your life and
make them work---makes the next journey much easier.
doesn’t come from easy living, look at Van Gogh and other geniuses, some lived
in horrible conditions yet their craft thrived
are many on the path to destruction---part of the freewill often highlights
physical body’s contract is a private matter, and we are not being exploited by
anyone or any entity---we rise and fall on our own.
of us are here to lead anyone to anything, have you noticed how individualistic
most people are?
of us have stories to tell, about our lives or the lives of other people or
situations--history books are good examples---all anyone can do is give
whatever information they have--and people will peruse the information and
either discount it or take from it what they want or need.
are in the Twilight Zone now as are most humans here on earth, believe me your
next stop will be a much better place---nevertheless, no law against enjoying
the Twilight Zone while you are here---it will make Rod Sterling feel
is no barrier around earth, it’s not needed. Humans can’t leave their bodies
without help.
is a stage, and we put on our best show---those higher up than Milton will
review your performance with you---like Simon
massive lies/deception of the world's religions?
true nature of world political leaders (evil, self-serving)?
reality and scope of ritual child-sacrifices practiced today?
those truths are self-evident for those inclined to understanding the reason
for this life. Unfortunately the façade of evil is necessary for certain sting
operations for those not so inclined to the purpose of this life. No one
suffers needlessly more that fools.
doing are caught in their actions and some of those receiving have dues to pay
from previous indiscretions.
of us will suffer on earth that is the price tag for being here---even those on
vacation will not slide completely by unscathed. Earth is filled with repeats
from the first and second world wars---repeats that have done unthinkable
horrors to others---they are in turn being paid back for past actions.
gets the best deal possible---no angels are sent here and the top brass allows
for that reality.
a fool doesn’t want the best for him or herself---a poor and broken man helps
no one--least himself.
Humans are, after all, just what God
made them to be.
that’s the short and easy answer most of us want and will use as our defense
while standing outside the padlocked pearly gates---lol
you ever been to a prison? How many inmates believe they have been set up? It’s
not their fault they got caught hacking to death some old lade for the two
dollars in her purse.
“That little kid
starving in Korea”:
if and I say if, the child is here suffering for some past mistake---that does
not preclude us from offering to help the child---after all, humans showing
love to their fellow humans is one way to beat back darkness.
after my army days I was sitting in my apartment knocking down one beer after
another while watching television. During a commercial one of those
organizations came on showing starving children and pleading for people to make
monthly commitments of fifteen to twenty dollars every month.
was not making much money back then and thought to myself I would have to cut
back a couple of cases of beer to make that payment---giving up my beer was not
easy and I thought long and hard on that one. Finally I decided that one or two
six packs a week was worth helping those children.
added several more to that list in the last 35 years, yet millions continue to
starve. Millions of people contribute billions of dollars every year to offset
this seemingly growing problem in the world to no avail
Do I
advocate we stop trying because the problem continually overwhelms us? Of
course not--nevertheless people are suffering not from lack of compassion but
from lack of political stability. And evil is perpetrated via politics---and my
positions on politics in this world is well known on this board---yet the world
seems to be taking the side that perpetuates evil---in my humble opinion
should never do anything because it will win us points and grease our slide
through heaven’s door.
should do things because it comes directly from the heart---if we become cold
towards those we deem unworthy of our kindness because they have been bad in
this life or a previous one---we demonstrate what we are made of.
serve a human purpose and lower level entities, higher ups know us via our non-biological
soul tag---which is also imprinted in our DNA.
A leaf is a machine, your body is a
machine, and the cells in our bodies are machines. The word machine has a
negative connotation---perhaps because of the mob---lol. An atom is a machine
and so is the universe and everything in it.
is “a hidden, sleeping power that humans can activate in this life” and most of
us hide it between our ears
you are aware of past discrepancies and changed you are free to put more tire
on the road---but how much road to becoming normal depends on the gravity of
the discrepancy---in other words level of damage to other souls.
all can sell our souls problem is their true value remains with the
soul---there is nothing tangible to say a Satan, in a person's soul.
a soul in the literal sense of the word is not a possibility.
cheating yourself out of a good and prosperous life is allowed, but never
encouraged by the wardens---any warden abusing their powers will lose them
Life is our true education?
one grain of sand makes a beach---
is maximum security and minimum security on this planet, many people are in
minimum security---and it may not feel like prison but they can’t up and leave
without severe repercussions.
is a forth category but those in it are not asking questions they know why they
are here.
want to know if they are working for ET in a subtle manor, or if they are being
primed for a future job---most of us are here to work out personal
issues---slowly---over an excruciating painfully drawn out time period---they
say patience is a virtue---and a tough puppy to earn, it is.
is gradual over time and depends on your level---the brain holds an infinite
amount of information yet most people cannot tap into it while in their
bodies---same when you are out of body. ---Info has to be unlocked for you---at
this level.
are humans on higher levels that are connected to a kind of solar system
network. But that’s a whole other can of worms I don’t want to go fishing in.
in a god or lack thereof are not paramount to what we are and where we will
go---a shining soul moves up and a tarnished one moves down. It’s really that
If you knew the size of your extended
family on other planets and dimensions you would be walking on cloud nine all
the time---but then you might get distracted from focusing on this life.
on if we are advancing or descending will determine who will be our family
companions---but not only family member are family many friends are true family
from the other side also----there are no coincidences.
should treat everyone equally and love one another as our brother no matter
what race, religion, sex, etc. and love is the key...?
like a great concept---but beware, if you talk such stuff many scoffers will
attack you--few who try it will pass through those hot coals unscathed. The few
that succeed will be kicked off this planet, no longer worthy of being
are all dying otherwise we never get off this crazy planet---lol
What is love?
for others without expecting anything in return---nibbling on your spouse’s
ear--reading a book to your child when they ask you----when you would rather be
nibbling on your spouse’s ear.
is not something many of us get very often or very easily, it’s not a commodity
to be traded for, nor can it be bought at any price---at least not the real
stuff. You say no one loves you? Do you love anyone? Tomatoes don’t grow
without first planting the seeds. Btw tomatoes give me hives so I don’t plant
them anymore---lol
that don’t get to move on to better places often repeat another tour on earth
or go to another planet more suited for their particular situation. Some people
linger in these lower level type planets for long periods of time.
If I
go into more detail everyone with a religious opinion will chime in and muck up
this thread more than they are now so I will not elaborate further on it.
can see with our own eyes and witness everything we do. Kind of scary that
every biological optical device---eyes, including those mounted on insects and
animals are transmitting signals that are picked up by ET---everyone smile.
the human has been on earth awhile he or she qualifies as native, perhaps.
three basic categories of souls in humans on earth seem reasonable:
1. More advanced than human
2. Native human
3. Less advanced than human.
We are
not all recycled souls, there are many fresh ones running around here on earth,
you may even have bumped into a few and wished you had not----
Can we commune with all of our
earthly family/loved ones and settle scores before taking on another body in another
on what privileges one garners while stumbling around in this life.
have a mission, and if it’s not a personal one it will make itself clear in
time, but until then it’s a personal mission and only you can figure out what
that is.
yeah, some of us are soulless machines, there is no shortage of humans that
have thrown in the towel because they believe the world cares nothing for them.
we are not here for the world to care about us----we are here to rise above our
personal feelings and perhaps show some concern for others---to plant seeds we
have no intention of reaping the fruit they yield---the more we do for
ourselves the emptier we become.
there is plenty of gloom to go around and plenty of us hoping to be ruptured
from this dreadful place---and we all will be in due time---thousands will get
there leave today and every day more will follow.
a smorgasbord here on earth concerning levels of awareness, many of us people
like you and others that already know there is something going on besides the
puny things of this world will retain these memories and more, and even have a
choice on their next crib.
all depends on the why you are here in the first place, volunteered, or sent.
If volunteered depends on your credentials---most volunteers have no idea until
they leave that it was their choice to be here.
have always killed or sabotaged for ideals and beliefs---traits that go back to
the bad asses remain strong and desirable for many weak souls
Are they humans from the future on
only humans on good old terra firma are those from the past---I’m here now in
the year 2007 from the year 1952---and may or may not plow through a few more
years into that mysterious thing we call the future---
secrets must remain hidden, otherwise what purpose this life? Besides many
answers are between the lines for those so inclined.
think some of us can guess what category we fall under--nevertheless, category
means little because everyone is allowed to enjoy their lives regardless of the
conditions they find themselves in---every situation is 100% mental---and for
those that managed to access that power in their head---they can change the
terms of the contract.
Nevertheless the picture I painted of
Milton and the galaxy we exist in is accurate once we upgrade to a higher
version of mental software---however, ETs don’t give that upgrade out
is a kind of soul plantation and as the soul grows it gets repotted in another
are many ways to cultivate souls here on earth one only need look at the many
different cultures and standards of living we have on this planet.
is not unique but it’s also not the only way it’s done---there is a lot of
variation, some more pleasant and some not---but not going further into other
suspicious of anyone claiming to be you from another dimension, here on earth
we call it identity theft.
body all the way down to DNA is crafted to suit and fit each person---the ACLU
is not going to like that one.
think that those [souls] volunteering [to Earth] all live in beautiful healthy
bodies--many come in mangled up physically and mentally speaking---at least
that’s how they are viewed by other humans.
you are here has nothing to do with ETs and everything to do with you.
have the power to rise to the heavens or fall straight down to places like
earth or other places that may be much worse---the key to the vehicle that will
take you up or down is in your hands alone.
are here---and where you go from here is up to only one person---you. You may
not believe that or accept that but nevertheless, it is true.
we force that finger to point away from everyone else and point it at ourselves
the problem will only get worse.
you truly believe that the light side seemed like the bad guys if you looked
deep into it, get use to feeling the way you do because it could be a long and
dreadful ride.
life is more about our connecting in to and being more honest and forgiving of
both ourselves and others?
so simple that the bulk of regret when we move to the other side is how much we
have wasted our lives in the small insignificant details, and needless worry.
is no law against anyone enjoying themselves to the max---yet many of us feel
guilty every time we have a little fun (Within law and sound reason, this
excludes evil intentions or desires) ---go figure.
You are being prepped, don't worry,
be happy.
is that such a hard concept? Perhaps because misery loves company and those who
have it want everyone to have it too.
A lot
of people need only live well, and not step on other peoples' toes---not
everyone is here to prove themselves, they have already done it---you can tell
by how your life has been and is going---peace of mind is a key to where we
stand in the scheme of things.
Is passive resistance to evil the
right way to go against the overwhelming power of evil in the world today?
if they have a better and workable economic plan than the one they are trying
to replace, which neither of them had---nearly a billion people starving to
death is not a great legacy
are several levels on this planet; there is no average time for the maturity of
a soul, and no way of knowing how long it takes to reach nirvana.
penalty : No one dies they go elsewhere therefore there really is no death
penalty and most criminals get sent right back---so they get a new start.
a human issue and concept---death is not in the ET vocabulary---there is no
death only new situations.
is relevant to our stage in life---and at this stage we are clear on death and
taxes and everything in between.
you are asking for clarity in Milton’s world you have to be at Milton’s level.
only way to get something in this universe is to earn it---there are no deals
or selling your soul---no one wants or can have your soul.
soul is nonnegotiable and only has value to you.
is no higher self, you are it, and if you want something you have to create it
few humans that are sent here are at the level of what we call ETs. The
exception are humans that volunteered to come here for one of a billion reasons
or those on sabbatical---or vacation for lack of a better term.
mostly don’t know who or what they are, some are hedging their hopes on finding
the missing link to the apes to give them some assurance of where they come
don’t think we need go as high up as Milton for that answer, most of us humans
know, but we like it when we are on the winning end of lies and deception.
are many foods that make you feel good and are good for you but none that will
lead you to enlightenment, although chocolate nearly does---lol
early ages we are not far from our past lives on other planets, and those that
have come here from other planets retain some subtle memories of space flight.
Unlike many who have been stuck on this planet for several incarnations they
are the ones that have the toughest time believing that anything of
significance is out there.
are no coincident, many come to this planet with advantages earned elsewhere.
part of the deal you worked out when coming here---you know more than you
realize but being on this planet where such knowledge is frown on we
subconsciously keep a lid on that reality less we offend those “normal” people
around us
and situation we find ourselves in are designed to suit each person on this
higher understanding can facilitate a physical act, and give it real
meaning---sure sounds like a fortune cookie answer---
high school student can’t get into college without grasping concepts of
advanced study; ok they can but should they?
can skate through this life without learning anything or much of anything, but
that ends at the exit door. On the other side, off planet earth, they expect
and demand results. Higher understanding is not an easy gig, but it’s more fun.
one can cheat or nap their way up the ladder of illumination. Nevertheless,
many will not know or understand their level of enlightened while under the
cloak of illusion here on earth--why we do the things we do determines our
level of understanding---and that can only be done in a blind test ---
we take tests at school doesn’t the teacher give us all the answers or many of
them? --only those paying attention will remember them at test time.
answers are given to those that ask for them by higher beings than those here
on earth like me---you know the old saying “seek and you will find”.---well
sometimes the answers are put under our noses by humans and many of them simply
get sneezed away---lol
is no endless loop---everyone gets off this planet eventually---it mostly
resides in our hands when that will happen---believe it or not
If we
don’t learn from past mistakes we get to repeat them.
people do believe this life is futile and meaningless.
the fact is this life is anything but nihilistic, every second in everyone’s
life will be accounted for and will be the measure of where to from here for
each one of us.
is no such thing as nihilism on earth let alone higher up.
Is it
truly possible to find deeper meaning in life in this way [nihilism]?
for humans on this level, because most thinking people of any worth would
dismiss such concepts as absurd.
is the pacifier for the intellectual---but also a repository of wisdom
ETs have no power here on earth over souls---the ETs overseeing earth have
societies’ best interest in mind---but this is a very complex prison system,
with many levels to oversee or let be.
definition of prison in the case of earth is that few can up and leave and go
to other populated planets on their own or at will. Most humans are confined
here for a certain amount of time---and once that time is up they can
leave---some will travel from this planet in alien ships to other parts of the
solar system or other star systems in this galaxy.
are here on assignment, some are here on a kind of vacation, yet they may not
know it other than their lives run smoothly.
are here for things they have done in previous existences on this planet or
other planets. No one is here by mistake; everyone is here for a reason---and
knowing that reason is not important, and most will not know
need not be in turmoil even if stuck in a turmoil ridden body---because it is
the body that is defective not you.
are you no matter where they put you
info from past lives remains in your subconscious mind the rest is in your hall
life is] certainly new but you are the same---humans experience new all the
time---a vacation in China is a very new experience for those that never been
to China---but we remain the same soul with each new adventure only adding a
new facet to what we are.
far too many people refuse for one reason or other to smell the roses, or look
up at the night sky and be awed by it---they are zombies, robots, lost in the
fog of this life.
they will wake up once they die and realize that they were the creators of
their own stupor here on earth, and wasted precious time---at that point they
will know---and will wish they didn’t---and perhaps beg that the memories they
created be washed away---the only way to suspend those memories is to come back
and try again.
is not a utopia planet---although it was millions of years ago---and may be
again, but not for awhile
smile cast onto the waters of fellow humans is sharing a part of the magic.
meet some people that make our day and others that try and sink our boat---and
sometimes the same person will do both---many of us fit that mold---those
humans of a higher order do the heavy lifting on a regular basis---show-offs---
happen all the time yet how many of us notice?
I am because I think.
are because a higher order granted us an opportunity to be---or not to be.
How many of us built the car we
drive? We didn’t build it yet we can use it---how many of us built the computer
we design things with, write books with, waste time on the internet with? Yet
we take credit for what we accomplish using things made by others---which is
fine and by design---
no human created the brain that helps him or her imagine, which also gives
power to the hands that making building things possible.
other words we are supplied with the things we need in whichever playground we
find ourselves in.
for those who find that demeaning they will have to work on their attitude a
bit longer---
Are babies born with a soul or does a
soul come after they're born? We can’t drive a car until it is off the assembly line---same
with babies.
Do people get a one month assignment
like when babies or young kids get killed?
on how young they are there, may or may not be anyone in there. If someone was
in there it was strictly for the parent or parents. For young children that
leave early they had a short assignment---and moved on to a higher planet from
here. For many with long and prosperous lives it’s a blessing and a gift.
Is there a law of attraction?
to a certain extent but in reality we live in a world where hippies from the
Sixties who loathed the corporate world, in turn became the CEOs of that same
world in Eighties.
our own negative energies propel us to do positive things, and it works the
other way too. You have heard the saying that until we hit rock bottom we can’t
begin our climb up---for many that is a true statement---that’s why they have
rocky planets like earth--- Life on earth is more like an Alice in Wonderland
contradiction---the more we try and make sense of it the deeper inside the
rabbit hole we fall---
probably only wanted a yes or no answer, sorry---
only gain true knowledge from individual effort and experience---blood, sweat,
and tears, and as much fun as we can squeeze in between those three
constants---there are no short cuts to enlightenment.
Is suffering (duality) our job on
this planet?
we have to make sense of our life the best way we can---if not we look for
guidance in churches or political leaders.
beliefs are secondary to what we learn in this walk through life---what matters
most is who we are---not what religion or lack thereof we hooked our wagon to. Is it our job to understand this duality
enigma and rise above it?
have no such duty, it doesn’t matter if we believe in God, Darwin, or the tooth
fairy---at the end of the day all that matters is what is in our heart---if we
can keep that fire alive in all our hustle and bustle we are ahead of the game.
Why did we choose to go through this
in the eye of the beholder whether we are on a mess of a planet or a perfect
planet---this is a perfect universe, and this planet is in the perfect
universe---therefore this planet is perfect--hard to understand certainly, yet
perfect nonetheless.
humans are definitely in a hall of mirrors but that has nothing to do with our
purpose as genetic incubators. A wise man once said “the Sabbath was created
for man and not man for the Sabbath”----same principle.
choice is based on past experiences but not always---some people can erase many
things during each life, and build on their new found perspectives, and
completely alter their destiny.
experiences are stage props, we are the actors on the stage of life and it’s
not the audience that is naked for all to see, but the actors.
Do evolutionary factors related to
geography and climate contribute to humanity's diversity? That is part of the illusion
geneticist cloak themselves in, geography and climate are minor factors
matter why we end up on this planet once here the rules can change, sometimes
towards the good, sometimes towards the bad. There is little rhyme or reason
that will make sense to us because of the blinders strapped over our minds.
Nevertheless, we do have a certain amount of power to improve our lives while
here, regardless on why we are here---millions of people do it every day.
most earth is what we make it, we can’t leave at will so it is a prison, but we
are allowed to squeeze as much enjoyment out of our stay here as we dare
try---or we can live the nightmare---it’s more a choice what our lives will be,
more so than most people are willing to admit.
is no lesson learned in suffering, only wasted time, and those who do it for no
reason will pay dearly for their indulgence in it.
begets suffering, and for those sentenced to suffer they can’t do much about
it, but most are not here to suffer, and therefore they have no justification
to suffer.
remember [past live experiences] means compromising your quest, and the reason
you are now on this planet, you have been given the choice to compromise or not
to compromise, and so far you have chosen not to concede.
people, the “zombies”, are here to do time for the crime they committed in a
previous life or in this life---they inhabit every economic strata but some
will get lucky and see the light before their release date. However many will
simply be sent to other places in the galaxy to planets frozen in the Dark
Ages---Gothic type planets where the sun doesn’t shine----much.
we are accountable to ourselves everything else falls into place
the zombies on the fast track back to square one seldom get
reviews---ironically they are the ones that need reviews the most, but even a
simple review must be earned.
live in a world where expectations are “someone owes me a living” “someone must
take care of me”, all the while demanding complete autonomy on how we live our
lives. Many of us are walking contradictions immersed in the blame game----as
long as the blame is aimed at others.
we examine our own delusions---life will not be worth living.
many take criticism from others without getting offended? Therefore it’s your
life and your responsibility to take a hard look in the mirror. Besides, that’s
the prerequisite for a ticket off this rock and into the real game going on in
this galaxy.
take this life so seriously, and steal away as much happiness as you can get
away with--
beware too much happiness can get on people’s nerves---
human actions are motivated by love, hate, jealousy, or something in
between---and why we do things including fighting in battles will determine
whether a soldier is a cold blooded killer or simply doing a job.
Can being laid back and generous with
an almost constant feeling of thanks and being blessed go too far?
Few people have that problem, perhaps
they are on vacation here on earth---lol----and heck no they can’t go too far
with it---the higher up we go the more awe we are in for about this whole
universe thing---as long as we are moving up it keeps getting better and
is free to use whatever stimulant they wish to try and connect with the other
side and make sense of this life.
advice for whatever it’s worth----don’t go there
have the choice to be master over the material world or slaves under it
hard for those that can’t or will not get on the bandwagon to understand those
that have. The world can be everyone’s oyster as it is yours; strangely enough
not everyone wants it or believes they can have it.
Aren’t "special guys" that
give a human race a good outlook, "seeded" souls to move the vibe
is not a “special guys” deal or assignment; anyone can jump in and make this
life a tad better for the next guy or gal with minimal effort---it’s not rocket
science really.
on this planet is a challenge
for this world and its people is a hard task, that’s the challenge those sent
here are destined to bear and overcome if possible.
human brain is not designed for the paranormal yet many find themselves
entangled in it anyway.
the fact remains that there is absolutely nothing in the paranormal world that
can take us down, we hold all the cards---mentally and spiritually speaking.
Fear is not an entity and only holds as much power over us as we let it. And I
think you have figured as much.
Is the human lower-level planet
phenomena time invariant, or has it had a beginning somewhere?
always been and always will be this way
on earth is on the clock---but the pay is not equal.
is good without temptation? We are tempted by many things---food, drink, drugs,
sex, money, sick days, the list is non ending---we have to develop a sense of
self-control, that’s what this life is all about---the devil nor anyone else,
has control of those choices that we have to make---and live with.
only people that will be deceived are those that deceive themselves because it
was the easy way out for them.
are no shortcuts to enlightenment only to failure.
you can decide to do the vacation now ---for those that manage to do so they
are ahead of the game.
doesn’t matter why people are here, or how bad or good their lives are, the
fact that they are here is a gift, a privilege that none of us have earned or
could ever earn, we have been given immortality and all the dazzling magic that
goes with it.
don’t suffer collective punishment, and if you did any [rape or killing in past
lives] it would have been several lifetimes passed, otherwise you wouldn’t have
the opportunities you have in your life now.
to go through this life is better than being sent here without your ok.
of us are unique, and our visas are from different places and for personal
everyone here on earth have been cast off other planets as degenerates, many
are here on vacation, administration, and a host of other duties or
reasons---and they live normal human lives---many unaware of the bigger picture
from where they came, and quite content with their lives on this planet. Some
of them have innate advantages; some are here for the challenge and adventure.
concept of “Original Sin” is easy to understand in a world as violent and
selfish as earth has always been. And earth is not a destination point for
enlightened souls high up the ladder, nevertheless not everyone here is here
because they are tainted. But have you met anyone that fits that profile?
paradox is that people that are tainted see things with clouded eyes and minds
and seldom see the goodness in others.
planet is designed to bounce back from anything we could ever throw at it.
earth was here before we arrived and will be here after we all leave, it will
do just fine--and so too will all the inhabitants on it once they realize this
life is nothing but a theatrical production with lots of drama, violence, sex,
upheaval, and buttered popcorn for those smart enough to sit back and enjoy the
emotions are amplified for a reason, they are part of the package, part of what
we are here to do. Certainly we can break free from those restraints---if
that’s how we view them. But most of the software programmed into us like
shyness, fear, bravery, maudlin, keep us from doing certain things and keeps us
more focused on our strengths, rather than our weaknesses---for those who
figure that out anyway. Not all of us are here to be public speakers, prime
ministers, boxers, evangelist, soldiers, painters, etc., but we are all here to
exercise and develop whatever talents we do have.
are free to go down fighting against our weaknesses or to find what we are good
at and excel from there.
and nurture are excuses, and neither can hinder or override our initial program
unless we kowtow to those beliefs.
are nearly seven billion people on this planet, everyone with a slightly
different perspective on life. Every one of us is unique, and want and need
differently, so whose change is going to fit the best for all mankind?
of people want to change the world---to suit their particular ideas of the way
life should be---some of those people couldn’t stand to be in the same room
with each other and have very different ideas of what a perfect world is---some
people are perfectly happy living in mud huts, other in tiny apartments inside
of skyscrapers.
what about political persuasions or religious affiliations, or lack thereof?
Some like communism, socialism, capitalism, Darwinism, atheism, Buddhism,
Judaism, Islam, Christendom, etc. Would you like to live under anyone of those?
Many people don’t and many people do.
you noticed how many conflicts are in the world at any given time?
of conflicts and outright wars because most people are not on the same
page---and many don’t want to be on the same page or in the same room with
others that don't believe as they do.
want to change “your” world---by all means do so.
best thing about this life here on earth is that it ends, therefore why worry
about things we can’t control?
are not here to concern ourselves over every detail about living or dying, but
to live as best we can while we are here, that’s how we grow. Nothing more
required of us.
world was designed to function exactly the way it is functioning with delicate
balances of economies, or lack thereof---hence third worlds.
If we
are not challenged on some level on a daily basis then life has no
meaning---besides what else we going to do with all those illusionary brick
walls ?---lol
Are there humans without souls?
yes, we’ve all met soulless people---lol
sole purpose is to get under our skin and make life miserable if they can. All
humans have souls, some threadbare but souls nonetheless.
and fear mongering are two of the pistons that power the engine that makes life
what it is on this planet. Unfortunately most people respond better to bad and
inaccurate news and misinformation than they do to truth and good tidings.
That’s why most are stuck in neutral or first gear.
I was in basic training I hated my drill sergeants, but I did notice that they
pushed some harder than others---those that could take more got more---in the
end it worked out perfectly for everyone
are not all the same here on earth; we burn at different energy levels but we
are orbs of energy once out of our human body.
are simply doing time and have no mission or purpose; they may have a mission
on their next trip here.
everyone has a specific assignment; many are here in a living storage type
or criminals: If life has no or little meaning to us we are moving in the wrong
direction and will be back for another round---again and again---until we make
a concerted effort to step off this merry-go-round.
accomplishment thing is not the same for everyone, but those that score are
those that manage getting through this life by dodging everything that was
thrown at them, with attitude intact.
ourselves accountable for everything rather than looking for excuses and
scapegoats is divine knowledge---and the payoff is true freedom.
universe belongs to such.
though everything is an illusion in this life what we do is not and that is
what counts.
planet is nothing but a stage, and we the people the actors. It’s pretty much
improvisational and we have to at a moment's notice be ready to change costume
and roles. Out of this make believe stuff what we create becomes real, real
pain, real happiness, for ourselves and for those around us.
is only one person running your show, you.
of our lot in life or the hardships we go through, it’s the choices we make
that will determine who and what we are in this life and where we go from here.
world and those running it have nothing to do with anything other than create
stage props for us to role play on.
break a leg.
human can become a mover and a shaker, a leader in government and industry we
don’t really need androids running things at the top. We humans put people into
leadership positions and sometimes we take them out of them.
doesn’t need to be in absolute control, the stage is self-propelled and people
are thrown into situations almost randomly.
we change course for the better that’s moving in the right direction
that are coming back for sure don’t even know they are leaving, they think this
life is it, and so they are living their lives as if there is no tomorrow.
and humans are not illusions only perceived situations in this life are
illusions. Human bodies are machines and sometimes machines need tweaking,
modifications, and repairs.
make choices all the time out of fear, out of respect out of hate, out of love;
we are a culmination of those choices.
you decide to be a bad person because of peer pressure that is your choice. If
you do it because you are afraid, that is your choice. Everything is a choice.
straight and narrow path is the most difficult path to stay on otherwise there
would not be testing ground planets such as earth filling up a good portion of
this galaxy.
matter why we do the crime against ourselves and fellow souls once it’s done it
will be made right, if not here and now then at a later time and another
place---with interest tacked on---those able to rectify their behavior while
here will be better off---earth is a minimum security prison, they get a hell
of a lot worse.
can think on their own but unfortunately it has all been said and done on other
planets many, many eons ago. A great philosopher once said “there is nothing
new under the sun”, but he got that from a space traveler who stopped on earth
for a brief visit from a civilization a millions years older.
future is some other planet’s past; our past is some other planets
future---it’s a deep rabbit hole we are in---
are allowed to take the easy way out---that’s a trap far too many “fall” for
road is a dead end and they will eventually have to do twice the work to
backtrack out of it.
we call matter---in this instance referring to our bodies, is pure energy, but
it is energy with a clause, it holds and restricts our travel and our knowledge
of the universe we inhabit. The clause I speak of as I’m sure you know is a
play on words. Mass, matter the stuff we are made of is pure energy as most
everyone agrees on, but energy, the stuff humans are made of is different from
the stuff ET, souls, magic, and Bill Murray are made of. The energy field
humans are strapped into, our human body containers, are designed to hold tight
the soul--that thing you don’t believe exist. Anyway, the soul is placed into
human body containers and can only be removed by certain entities with special
keys. Death is never by accident, always by design, no one leaves their bodies
permanently until their tour is up.
all know that matter doesn’t matter once we put it into an atom smasher,
particles break down into smaller particles and then into wavy stringy things
and then they turn into pixie dust and become aware of us as we lose track of
them---spooky stuff man!
how do we stuff billions of universes into one universe when they are all
equally infinite without beginning and ending?
a consciousness thing, a certain number of higher up entities join together and
create vortexes of illusionary reality---the funny part is the beginning and
ending paradox, there is a paradox but no explanation for how they fold out the
beginning and ending---there is no human way to elucidate it, even with two
glasses of wine, my limit---
has a beginning and ending because we are born and then we die---that’s how we
rationalize it and nothing else computes.
say that being born is an illusion and so is dying, which is true, just look it
up in sleeper’s dictionary---lol
our being born is not really a beginning and our dying not an ending then the
concept of beginning and ending is false.
games whether by the gods or man are played for specific reasons, to teach, to
punish, or entertainment for us. There is no chaos or battles for domination in
the land of the gods, only in the minds and lives of humans.
have heard the term “It’s not the destination but the journey itself that
matters the most”. Not so at the higher levels and lower levels of existence
but very true for the vast majority on this planet.
is no way to put an ass kicking into a good perspective, and those who are
undergoing them will not see the light at the end of the tunnel even if they
are near the end of that dark tunnel. But everything has its purpose whether we
can understand it or not.
you don’t get your money’s worth while in this amusement park called earth they
will not refund your money, you get to do the roller coaster ride again---so
try and keep from puking and hands over your head is optional----
supply the means when we supply the will to reach for the stars, and there are
plenty of reachable stars here on earth to try on for size. If we can make it
here the afterlife will be a cinch.
is as much perception as it is physical reality; if we achieved it in our mind
then it is valid.
crazy thing about this whole existence is that even those that don’t believe or
can’t make that mental leap concerning the big picture are nevertheless
included in the big picture and receive the same benefits as everyone
else---eternal life in one fantastic playground known as the Milky Way---no way
around it.
is real, our emotions are real even when they are not justified like in fear,
hate and envy.
Why do all of my friends and me agree
about the reality of this illusion?
and your friends share the same reality as most of us do, if you and your
friends go on stage and look over the props you will agree on the materials the
props are made of and what the storyline is that the props portray, for
instance a play about Red Riding Hood would have a forest motif
we still see things a bit differently because we are not carbon copies of each
other, chance are you and your friends don’t agree completely on many things
like politics, religion, love and war, etc.---
why don’t we agree 100% if we all see the same reality in this life? ---because
it’s not the same reality.
do five witnesses of a crime give five different accounts to that crime? Why is
it that juries of 12 people who are shown the same evidence come to different
conclusions? Because we all live in our own little world of beliefs
should it be important for us to learn lessons based on experiences that are
elusive? Because the canvas is easier to wipe clean after each use---
What happens when you start to figure
your life out and start to take advantage of that knowledge?
on what you do with that knowledge, but most improve their outlook on life and
grab opportunities they may have passed up before their eyes opened.
Why some people are protected?
earned their stripes in a previous existence, brownie points if you wish, and
can only fall so far or not at all.
Why are some families more open to
this subject then others?
do some siblings in a family “get it” quicker than other siblings concerning
attitude, and life in general? Any number of reasons including advantages
earned elsewhere, same principle.
families look out for each other, some more subtly than others.
makes certain families keep things secret until they find out that their kids
understand what they have known about since before they were born?
a judgment call and sometimes there is disagreement between members---most want
little to no contact if there is any possibility of compromising a member’s
reason for being here. They will not let you remember face to face contact but
they know what you are thinking. So ask away and then look for the answers,
sometimes they are obvious sometimes not; it depends on how bad you want
them---which will determines if or when you get something. If you try and pull
their chain they will pull your chain
on this planet is from star systems in the Milky Way galaxy
bad apples need to be around other apples and oranges, otherwise there is no
hope for them. There are good apples than can be corrupted by the bad
apples---if so then they have a flaw that has to come out and be dealt
with---the system may not seem fair from our point of view but it has been refined
and tweaked over an incredible amount of time---even though time is an illusion
and does not exist on the other side, it is an element they use in this human
planet is “The Best of All Possible Worlds” for those of us who are put here---this
planet has a spectrum that spans good to very bad, and most on this planet have
it bad, only a small fraction have it good. This planet of nearly 7 billion
people is pure prison for 6 billion people; most are in maximum security, third
world countries where they have no opportunity to escape their plight, the rest
are in minimum security and they have more leeway to improve their lives and
have a fifty-fifty chance to escape coming back here. Those who have it good
are on vacation, or here to do jobs for the system, or have a few things they
need to tidy up before moving to higher ground.
the demographics of this planet do change often as those who are sent here
requires--supposedly a better class of people are coming to live here in the
next century and their living conditions will be an improvement over what we
have now.
is the only way off this planet and the grim reaper will take us out one way or
other--for most death will not be bad regardless of what it may look like to
those that witness it. Anyway, this life is not easy because the payoff is
kick-ass fantastic for those that persevere through all the bullshit.
graduation day, high school for instance, the teachers, your friends and
enemies, all the highs and lows of those four years---don’t matter anymore, you
are out of school and have your diploma---that’s the bottom line, that is all
that counts---but without all those elements you wouldn’t have gotten to that
is so solitary only on planets like earth, happiness is the elixir of the soul
and is what we are made of.
everyone should be happy all the time---those that make it so are on the fast
track to enlightenment---the stuff not easily shared with others
and reward are human level and below contraptions and devices---they have no
real meaning at higher levels of existence
Punishment and reward are doled out
to humans on this level and below---we spank or put our little children in time
out, or treat them to ice cream or some other reward---those tactics don’t
apply to older children and young adults.
as other leaders who made and make those kinds of calls are themselves
following orders---if we prosecute people who follow orders then all soldiers
would be accountable for their actions in war too
Harry Truman said, “The Buck Stops Here” talking about himself he was mistaken,
it was not his call to drop the bombs on Nagasaki, and Hiroshima
you have the most amazing luck in the world and your life is extremely fulfilling,
no fear of dying, no fear of being maimed, no fear of losing loved ones, no
nightmares. you may be one of the many
who are here on vacation, and the clown, well there is a reason besides early
birthday parties and circus acts that they put fear into many otherwise
rational people---our extraterrestrial escorts like clowning around---and they
look funny too.
those on vacation can’t wait to go home---and become inpatient and bored, but
the moment we wake up it will all be a dream, and it will be over---the
checkout line really does move faster than we realize, and soon we are home and
remember there was something else we needed to do or get before leaving the
while waiting its best to check that list twice and make sure you got everything
you want before you get into the checkout line.
life is big time important the blinders are made extra think so that the
majority remain fast asleep in their daily lives---and it is important that
most remain fast asleep otherwise they will fail at the reason they are here in
the first place.
there are many that this kind of info is not detrimental to, and will not
affect their reason for being here and may add to it.
worst thing that could happen to us is that we fall in love with this life
because it’s only a temporary dream. You can feel the hole inside because there
is one, our real lives are not here and most of us who are half awake and aware
know that---but we can't leave the battle in the middle of the action less we
lose the war. ---not making a political statement just pointing our facts of
life that most should be able to relate to in their personal lives.
are immortal with eternity to live out your life---if that’s not “some kind of
experience” I don’t know what is. For most it’s straight up from here.
of people experiencing superhuman strength in times of distress and lifting
cars, etc.: Not rubbish but it helps to have a helper nearby like what we call
no more all but the worst cases get to choose their families. The reason we
fall so madly in love with our children the instant we see them after birth is
because it’s a reunion of a loved one from the other side.
is being watched---and I’m not talking about big brother---lol
about locking the bathroom door, they see all---but it's no different than us
watching goldfish inside an aquarium---things we think is a big deal is not a
big deal at all---so throw modesty out the door, they don’t care.
of mind---that’s the big trick in this life and it shouldn’t be, because we are
immortal and nothing can harm us---our bodies are disposable but we are not.
life is a mind game, nothing more; fear and anxiety are illusions that exist
only in our minds—nowhere else.
are part of something really big and we are made of primarily the same energy,
some have more others less, but nevertheless we remain individuals inside a
nucleus or family, which is part of a larger nucleus---and from there on up it
gets really crazy in a mighty fine way.
A great philosopher once said, “The
only constant is change”. On the other side constant has a bit more consistency
than here on earth, where change in attitude and character is the name of the
humans can’t magically imagine things into existence but we shape our very
being by the way we think. And the way we think is all that really
matters---get it matter-s---
What if the most fun a person can
think of is being falling down drunk....if they are drunk like this all by
themselves and not bothering anybody else?
mean like people who injure themselves for fun or religious reasons?
are not actions of fun but of hidden problems.
What about in the case of a seriously
demented person who's idea of fun would be torture & or murder of
innocents? That’s why we have jails.
is acceptable to us is a judgment call we all make, and that will determine
what size cage we are put into.
vast majority on this planet are not free to do as they please, which in many
ways that’s a good thing, there are many nuts on this planet. Those that
deserve more freedom will get more freedom but not while on this third rock.
is built into the physiology of the human body and mind, it’s not a dimension,
it’s a chemical component with a purpose.
one becomes aware faults become obvious, and we become painfully aware of them,
so change is inevitable---that is a primary reason, but only one facet of the
total equation.
whole deal is not like in the movie K-PAX, where only one person can grab hold
of the light beam, the real light beam everyone will ride sooner or later, but
always and only when the time is right for each individual---we are all unique
and will reach our destination in such a way.
think it’s a good movie and it brings out some good points without having to be
are influenced by guides---and yet ETs are politically neutral---ambiguity all
over the place here I know but few humans are politically galvanized in one belief,
instead they expect certain politicians more able for their causes than
others---the problem arises when we vote for our own personal interest rather
than the right thing in general.
earth is a huge mess because most are stuck in the egocentric mode, but Milton
and others like him can put into the mix additives that make things clearer, or
cloudier--these things are not politics per say but sometimes that is how they
come across.
I have to tip-toe around many things otherwise my info will be misconstrued.
of us have been around small children and we know that most of the crying and
whining that comes from them is usually over nothing at all---but they believe
it a big deal hence their tears and healthy vocal cords. The Miltons do what
they can to soothe our booboos--sometimes
The universe is a library filled with
everything we need, we check out what we need---and most of us believing that
it is ours---that has been allowed in the past but things are slowly changing.
do we cope knowing that we are not the geniuses our parents, teachers and
society tells us that we are ?---not very easy for egocentric souls to
accept---and few will, most will go to the grave clutching tightly to their
world will always need doctors, scientists, shrinks, religious and secular
leaders, plumbers, garbage collectors, philosophers, writers, painters,
sculptors, and good deed doers, plus a whole bunch more stuff.
what brings pleasure in your life, do it to the best of your ability, and never
cut corners like I do with some of my answers---lol
has a gift they can share, what you talked about in the above paragraph is your
gift I presume---it’s called a gift because someone or something gave it to you
or us to use for ourselves or for others.
didn’t create this planet, the air we breathe, or the flora and fauna we feed
off of---nor the elements we use to build things with, nor the brain we use to
think with, nor the hands and feet that gives three dimensional illusionary
reality meaning, or our blinded eyes to see only what we want to see---yet most
of us have free use of all those things---but we can’t claim them as our own,
except for our temporary blindness----that is truly our own----
can go to a shrink and they can try and get you back into the protective bubble
with the rest of society, or to your Catholic priest and ask forgiveness for
straying away from your old beliefs and perhaps he will perform an exorcism on
you and warn you away from internet boards such as this one, where people like
me lurk---
world is filled with tough choices and plenty of hidden mental landmines.
of people belong to one religion or other because they simplify things for
them, all they need do is follow a few basic rules and perform simple rituals,
and that’s it---they can then sleep at night knowing that the gods have been
stuff you stumbled on in this thread freed your mind a bit perhaps---that is
not scary in itself, but those middle men, those ET guys and gals, they are
fine while they remain fictional characters in books and movies, but not if
they lurk in dark places in our bedrooms.
is it really that different than when our mothers tucked us in bed and told us
angels were watching over us so that we wouldn’t be afraid in our dark
bedrooms? In other words there were angels in our room hiding somewhere
all ETs are, but if you prefer to call them guardian angels that works too.
in the bible stories when angels appeared to the patriarchs---the first thing
they told them was “fear not”---because angels were scary creatures not of this
world---and they had to block people from the fear
humans fear what we don’t comprehend be it angels, ETs, clowns or Nancy
Pelosi---all of us know fear.
is inevitable but we need not indulge in it.
for women having souls it depends if it’s that time of mouth---lol, for those
not amused by that comment, please forgive me, we men have our own times of the
month when hormones get all bunched up in knots too.
suggest that women don’t have souls is absurd, not sure where he is coming from
to make that kind of statement.
Perhaps you wanting to bang your head
against the wall is your test---everything else is only a stage, all those
people that are frustrations in your life only extras hired by the film
production company.
are you being push so hard? Because they think you can take it?
rest of the world will get along just fine without me, you or people like
Mother Teresa. Every one of us is here to face our own unique challenges
without the aid of others.
If we
happen to learn something from others that’s a plus for us but not a necessity,
or requirement in the big picture
who see themselves as caregivers are doing good work---but mostly for
themselves--that’s a tough one for most to swallow nevertheless it’s true
calling may be as a painter, golfer, or any number of things that might bring
more joy in your life---if you are frustrated in what you are doing it may be a
sign that you should be doing other things.
are not here to make everyone happy, that’s an impossible job, we are here to
make ourselves happy---and when we are happy people around us are happy---and
then the whole world would be happy---unfortunately that is not the case
because too many people get frustrated doing things they don’t want to do.
should be a vacation regardless of your occupation.
if your job sucks, it only sucks because you think it sucks---what sucks is not
being able to see past the illusions we create in our own minds
have heard the saying “if you don’t like where you are now change what you are
gift is just that, it brings pleasure to the one that has it and perhaps to
others---a gift is a good thing, otherwise it’s not a gift
of us can’t handle but one gift at a time, choose one and make the best of it.
planet earth is one dynamic ride for most people ever since people were dropped
off here, it was created to be that way.
It seems like EVERYBODY wants to be
in a movie.
Are these souls that don't get enough
lifetimes and they need to act out additional ones? Are actors souls with too
many lifetimes trying to get out?
must be for the fifteen seconds of fame and lifetime of bragging rights should
they score a role.
of us are in our present situations by accident, or by chance, we all earned
our spot in this long line here on earth. I know most don’t want to hear that,
or believe that and they certainly don’t have to.
fingers and being judgmental towards others is also a test many of us fail at.
Most of us are here because we also lack in the perfection gig, therefore if we
can’t add or give help to those worst off, best to move along and let those who
can and will---do their thing.
Infinite realities, dimensions, earth
tv reality and games shows... Hillary--damn! Yeah, it’s enough to tempt a sober man to drink two
glasses of wine---lol
can be over rated, and sometimes should be avoided if at all possible.
Why are we wired for this robot
routine...sleep, eat, work, entertainment over and over and over?
no other reason but to piss us off---at least those of us awake enough to
realize how monotonous this life can be---that’s the worst thing about this
planet, and another movie that sheds a bit of light on the why---“Ground hog
our level we don’t have lots of lives happening simultaneously, but on higher
levels they do.
we could ever imagine has always existed, and toys can reduce drudgery on
planets like earth if put to good use, hence the computer many of us play on
every day---they are portals into the minds of millions of other
humans---that’s some toy don’t you think ?
I get
a headache if I sleep too much---but some get headaches when they try to grasp
the big picture---perhaps a happy medium somewhere in between the two
extremes---we are all different and we need different amounts of information to
get through this life—
and frustrations may be indicators that we are trying too hard---if you can’t
enjoy the flowers and the other gifts all around us then we are wasting this
life. This life need not be difficult, should not be difficult, especially for
those who are aware.
but the worst of us get a vote in all of our lives to a certain degree
including the one we presently have to endure
matter our perceived problems the sun will continue to shine---no law against
enjoying the sunshine, that’s its sole purpose---pun intended---lol
If we
can’t enjoy the little things in this world how we going to handle the big
stuff that awaits on other worlds as well as on this one?
must abide by human laws, other than that we are all free agents with exclusive
dominion over our destiny.
Our freedom
of movement and achievements is totally in our hands alone regardless of our
lot in life, we rise and fall like a hot air balloon depending on the
ballast---weight of our own egos.
rich poor game played mostly by politicians with an agenda creates more hate
and aguish than any other human malady in history.
say money doesn’t bring happiness but neither does poverty. Money certainly
doesn’t buy peace of mind, and neither does poverty.
of mind is only achieved somewhere between the ears
it doesn’t just happen, it takes hard work, mental work, the mind must push out
the dynamic dual known as hate and envy, the two bums that have claimed
squatter’s rights in our mind and soul.
paranormal is more real than the so called normal.
experiences, cosmic consciousness, bliss are all pretty much one and the same,
spiritual awareness/ cosmic consciousness equal as much or as little bliss as
we wish to take on.
of us cheat ourselves out of happiness because we feel guilty and believe that
there in only so much of it to go around---
fact is bliss is as endless as the sun, it will burn nearly forever---and the
sun is nothing but a speck in the galaxy and the galaxy is nothing but a speck
in the universe---and the universe is forever---as is bliss
is no shortage of bliss, only a shortage of takers
is no picking those locks, or removing those anchors [put into our bodies from
achieving things such as heightened psychic abilities] without higher entities
involved in the process.
can hand over the car keys to a two year old but what good will it do them?
numbers have no application in the big picture they are simple tools for
economics and certain theoretical sciences---there is no “theoretical” above
this earthly plane. How’s that for a paradox?
are many planets in the universe at the same level and higher as earth and they
use these equations and principles. Other than that, zero is a zero, with
absolutely no purpose--but what’s really weird is that positive integers also
have no real purpose other than to educate
are unique individuals no matter where we come from.
say there are two sure things in this world “death and taxes”, well death
really doesn’t happen, we only go someplace else, so taxes may be the only sure
humans via ETs are not a conglomeration of minds creating this holographic
existence we have here on earth. We only have to live through this
semi-nightmare created by “others” for our personal growth or demise, and make
the best of it.
I will call them ETs because I don’t want to elaborate on them yet, will
facilitate our desires be it good or bad for us---they are neutral—we hold all
the cards on our destination whether it be up or down.
some human life is only a game for most it’s pure business with much to gain or
much to lose.
knowing gives credibility to our actions---and even for those who say they
believe this stuff there is still doubt in their minds---we can’t cheat because
it only affects us, and it will be us the individual that will make it up
somewhere down the line.
are no experiments going on, each has his or her own syllabus to work through.
This “human science project” is a single grain of sand on a seashore anything
to write home about?
what feels right, and is right for you and those around you, it’s as simple as
doing your best, nothing more nothing less.
is a lot of mess out there to clean up---some of the mess is on purpose, do what
you feel is right---but we are not here to change the world---that’s for the
gods and the busy bodies to do. You have heard that the road to hell is paved
with good intentions---that’s because of the “good for who” factor---many do
things because of the benefits they believe they will derive from them.
not easy to do things strictly for the benefit of others and so many falls into
that trap and end up doing more harm than good.
instance, a group of do gooders once paid an amount of money for the freedom of
certain individuals in an African country---the person was released but the
next day two people were abducted and held for ransom---the ransom was paid and
the two released, the next day three people were abducted---get the
drift---sometimes the things we do create the problems we wish to extinguish.
is being tested---do we look the other way or help? A little bit of both---but
in the course of it all why not smell the roses if we have the opportunity to
do so?
Is anyone being "lifted"
before point of death?
do, some will fade in and out especially terminally ill or those rotting in
nursing homes--they spend most of their time on the other side coming back
every so often for family and friends.
off them shades and act like you are on top of the world and you will
be---because the best opportunities to soar are right in front of us.
are many different political situations---and they range from ruthless, to not
so bad.
have minimum and maximum security prisons, some have more freedom than others.
This is a subject that most humans cannot comprehend and it is a landmine to
try and explain.
human is equal, only machines, animals and insects are equal.
of us have to create our own identities with blood sweat and tears---some more
than others---some are here for punishment only, and are not here to learn
anything at all.
those who are here under punishment are allowed to be treated fair by truly
benevolent human beings.
we treat others worse off than us reflects on what we are made of
the rules of how we treat others were plain to see, then what is the point of
this life?
cultures need and want the same things, but there are those that do things
differently and are not acceptable to other cultures concerning a number of
things---certain people require certain situations to make them what they will
ultimately become. Some need things that I can’t mention on here because it
would offend most
is no human that is going to change the world, the world is the way it is
because that’s how it was created---some think it’s a zoo, and for them it is,
some a hellhole, and for them it is, and so on and on.
difference makes this planet interesting while also providing unique learning
experiences---all the perceived bad, and the real good are necessary gears in
this complex character building machine called earth---where we came to be
changed, not to change others and certainly not to change this world.
yourself better and you add to a better world.
are humans being fed things that do nothing to make things easy on this planet
for other humans----by pandering and promising things they are not equipped to
supply, do or achieve. Those who fall for deceivers are looking for the free
lunch, the easy and quick way out of complex problems, they want all their
needs taken care of by others even though they are fully capable of doing it on
their own
all of us want easy street because this is a tough and ruthless life, but the
fact is if we can’t hack this life we are not ready for the big stuff that
comes after.
majority of souls have yet to fall of the turnip truck but there are many souls
here that are above average and way above average---here to brush up on a few
things before they go to where no man or woman has gone before---yeah right,
anyway that’s where they will be going
Might it be possible that some here
on vacation take the "wrong turn" even if they are on higher levels?
those on the lower end can make mistakes and the consequences will fit the
crime or screw-up.
on vacation know who they are and can do whatever they want---except tell
anyone who they are.
at those levels are not bothered by hurricanes or other human maladies because
they are immune to all human woes
who are not aware of who they are cannot leave until their tour is up---but
they remain above the fracas and need not abandon ship for any reason
are not cattle, nor are we equal, we all need different merit badges, that’s
why there is so much diversity in cultures and gaps in the standard of living,
this train wreck of a planet is not an accident.
gods will play any game we insist on playing---but until we stop playing games
and get down to business, we play with their rules---and those rules can be ass
one gets anything they don’t deserve, and everyone gets what they
deserve---when we leave this earthly restaurant we are presented with a bill
due in full, or a rebate check
trick is not to fret over what the other dinners are feasting on, what is on
their table goes on their tab not yours.
of how we view this world is between the ears, everything else, all of our
problems, are nothing but smoke that will blow away with time.
you are one of the lucky people that feel incredible joy when a child is born
to them then you can understand a piece of that mystery.
monkey suit [Human corpse] amplifies what is inside of it---us---our irrational
fears left over or picked up from times long past---stuff we failed to deal
with in other lives seeps through to be dealt with in this one.
life is] a prison of our making, and only we can unmake it, escape from
it---most of us keep putting it off because it takes work to face up to it.
choose the revolving door stuck on the small details because they believe it
futile to go on, besides it’s much easier going in circles repeating mediocre
lives than to make real change. A fudge may seem petty to us but it only takes
a very small object in our eye to create huge pain and blurred vision. The soul
is like an eye, extremely sensitive to impurity
of us know this stuff to be true because we all lived it, we were brought here
from other planets and solar systems and placed into a virgin human brain
customize specifically for each of us---a new canvas was placed over the old,
and the new canvas is not aware of the old one underneath it. But it’s there
and sometime bits of info permeate through---especially if our memories are
souls are extraterrestrial in origin, we are brought here in many ways
including ET ships of sorts.
bodies we are placed into are home grown here on earth and are tweaked via DNA
and other physical attributes to withstand the period in time and type of
living conditions we are subjected to
Is it even possible that they
originated also from another dimension?
of us alone hold our destiny in our hands---the higher entities only facilitate
our destiny via whatever means they see fit for our particular situations---
is no time limit to “get it” so yes, many that are slow to figure it out are
doomed to repeat their mistakes until they get sick and tired of repeating
them---those who are above these slow pokes have the ability to not be affected
by them/dragged down---should they choose to use those powers.
greatest burden/test in this life is that we are allowed to think anything we
wish, and we can wallow forever in our own stench believing that the stench is
not our own but that of others---until we point our own finger in the correct
direction---back at ourselves, we will remain lab rats lost in the labyrinth of
the blame game.
only way out of the maze is to realize we control every aspect of our lives and
know that is too high a mountain for most to climb but it’s the only way out of
the rat race. Lab rat is a perception, so is the rat race---those who believe
themselves in it are by default of that belief
are here to prove to ourselves what we are made of---those higher up than us
have already done that and continue their journey upwards, they have no time or
desire to look back at those below them and snicker
of the higher up entities do come down here and play the sheep dogs, but most
never come down to these lower depths once they ascend to higher ground---would
you ?
Why are some people color-blind/color-deficient?
Is there a purpose for this?
is a purpose for every nuance and irritation in our lives that will make
absolutely no sense until we get our walking papers off this rock, in the meantime
it’s best to appreciate and concentrate on whatever goodies we are
allowed---take full advantage of what you are given and learn from all the
potholes we end up hitting---what more can we ask for?—
only build perfect containers [human bodies] ---yet we look out there at all
the dysfunctional masses of humanity, what gives? ---there is an answer but too
few want it, need it, or would believe it. So it gets put out there masked
between all my rhetoric to be found only by those ready and willing to hear it.
Aren’t I an arrogant sob! Why do people put up with me? ---lol
someone picks up bad additional habits while trying to work off other bad
habits he only adds to his burden and will probably die of cancer---or
not---and may have to come back and work on more problems the next time
around---unfair---absolutely---but it will be the same someone who makes that
call against---you got it---himself---for adding additional problems to his
they rip you open and put things in---they may do this for a billion reasons so
there is no one answer---but the soul is a highly complex substance and the
learning process it gets put through is nothing but a labyrinth of mind
boggling complexity and proportions--need I say more---I know the answer---lol
one can know [if they will get off this rock after death], and those that think
they know are mistaken---
Treat others like you want them to
treat you
can’t make others that way but we can make ourselves that way---treat others
better than you ever expect to be treated in return. Those are the qualities
the break the chains from this prison.
most it’s only a prison in our mind---we make it that. Certainly we can’t come
and go off his planet as we please, therefore it’s a prison---yet many manage
to make this prison into a vacation hot spot and end up enjoying their
lives---that’s what this life is about, making changes that will improve us and
those around us
you have family do you enjoy them? If not why not? Your job or occupation is it
fun? If not why not? Do you look forward to each day with anticipation? If not
why not?
you can get through the whys without blaming “others” you might be on to a
fulfilling life--and if we fail to do that we cheat ourselves and those around
us of untold pleasures ripe for the taking---
anything many are de-evolving going in the other direction, that’s because of
where some souls hailed from and dropped off here on earth---there went the neighborhood---
What percentage of the world
population are 'soulless'?
Is there any way of physically
identifying them?
where one lives it would seem a lot of people are soulless, but most bodies
have souls---exceptions are people in comas, in nursing homes where they are
barely conscious and others that I will not mention because it would offend.
in comas, nursing homes etc. all had souls and the souls under certain circumstance
can return for short intervals for the sake of loved ones who find it difficult
to let go.
little knowledge we are allowed on earth is nothingness because of the illusion
we are draped in.
can’t dare compete with the gods who hold truth and real wisdom.
here on earth we demonstrate our worth by appreciating the gifts bestowed on
us--small or large makes no difference, and to enjoy this life anyway we
can---creating happiness in ourselves and those around us while in the midst of
madness that is this world---that is the challenge and duty of every one of us.
who achieve happiness against all odds are truly wise and will move forward in
this life and the lives still to come.
is a gift we give to ourselves and requires no ego.
rarely smile, and most people may think me sad or grumpy---happiness is not a
superficial face feature or giddy personality---happiness is the absence of
gloom and doom---unless gloom and doom is what makes you happy---and then
that’s a whole other story.
Why is the average lifespan on earth
seventy years why not make it shorter for those who wish to move on sooner?
there is a process, a process that takes time---besides I’m not here to teach
or preach only to tell my experiences and answer a few questions to those
interested---those not interested need not drink from this fountain.
There is a very strong element on
this planet that wishes to keep people in a constant state of fear and
ignorance about what life is really about---life is not as complicated as many
wish it be.
as you have stated about your own family convincing them of the bigger picture
is an uphill battle---but the fact is we are not here to fix other people we
are here to fix ourselves first, and if we can accomplish that then we can
concentrate on other things and be better equipped to do those other things
whatever they may be.
from the gods is privileged info and has never been a right---nevertheless seek
for the right reason and you will find everything you need to know to get
“your” life in order---those who do that may then get additional info
afterwards---impatience is not a virtue but a stumbling block for those who
drink too much from it.
problems on this planet are immense and thousands of higher entities are
working on them night and day---six and a half billion people is no small task
and each and every one of them---us---depend on personal attention from these
entities, to get through their lives down here, and only those “highly”
qualified have those assignments
there are three or four of them assigned to you alone------you are a challenge
because usually one entity handles hundreds or thousands of people---
higher up the ladder the more horsing around there is---for those who don’t
like playfulness they will need to cool their heels down here a bit longer---
in moderation is a good rule---and a place to start for those with detrimental
habits. Besides why be a slave to a weakness? Take charge of your own
destiny---compromise should never be an option when so much is at stake
have and have nots---we are talking material goods---that stuff has nothing to
do with the big picture other than to create hate and envy---perhaps that’s the
whole idea behind it---hate and envy are flaws that need to be dealt with---who
dies or lives with the most toys doesn’t matter one iota in the scheme of
things---only moral fiber.
one of us has the power to achieve anything we wish---that power has always
been there, and it has been put to good use my millions---who are now the envy
of the rest of us slow pokes---lol
of us worry too much about what others have and don’t concentrate on getting
our own--whatever that might be
rid of hate, envy and ego and all the other problems will disappear---changing
political systems is a shell game that has been played since the beginning of
the inner workings of a common earth television are too profound to
understand--by the very humans that watch it every day, and even those who are
into electronics don’t really understand how it works---it just does. Things
here on earth are profound and they are measly toys in the scheme of things.
the big stuff is not easy to understand nor easy to explain---hence, next time
your tv repair person comes over have them explain what is going on inside
those microchips---that make pretty pictures and sound appear on the screen and
speakers---they can’t, nor would most understand if they did---the engineers
that make them don’t even understand
containers---human bodies, are not the problem, what’s inside them
containers—the soul, is the problem---and some human souls are slow to get it
and end up gumming up the machinery---it’s a lot of work cleaning up that
mess---and humans are the ones who have to clean it up and make it right.
Are we talking about the most
profound thing that has ever happened, or will happen on planet earth?
really, it’s old news, cut and dry, happens over and over again on millions of
other planets just like this one.
meat and potatoes is reserved for those that get the job done---cleaned up
their own act before trying to clean up the acts of others.
not a movie for sure---it’s a grand illusion, but it will have a curtain call,
and when the curtain goes up time for cleaning up your act is over.
What does race mean if it only
relates to an engineered container?
diversity, the few strains of race on this planet is but a fraction of what is
out there in this galaxy
would cities like New York be like without the smorgasbord of cultures rich in
their peculiar traditions? ---lol---on other star systems the diversity is
often mind boggling delightful---makes for superb gastronomical adventures---
majority of people are happy where they are concerning their beliefs and are
not interested in changing them.----have you tried changing anyone’s beliefs ?
If so you know how impossible a task that is.
if you wake up and take a good look in the mirror and decide that the person
you are looking at needs changing then you are on to something---
if you are having problems directing
that finger in your direction everything seems hopeless--as long as your
happiness resides in the hands and actions of others you will never be
happy--it’s your life---stop expecting others to make it better for you.
the blame game and take responsibility for yourself---or stick with your
predetermined program and waste yet another lifetime.
a big part of everyone’s reality. We are what we feel about the world and
ourselves, and we radiate negative or positive energy to those around us. This
energy is way too potent in the hands of mere humans and therefore it’s
restricted, otherwise there would be more chaos than there is now in the world,
because we humans spew out far more negative energy than positive, regardless
that we wish to believe otherwise.
can deflect bad karma and direct it back to the sender tenfold, happens
is no piece of cake, but neither is it the labyrinth of dead ends that many end
up making it.
think they deserve all the hell in their lives---maybe they do and maybe they
don’t---but all of us have the key to escape it in our pockets.
Is there any way for us to find out
what our souls mission is here on earth?
find what you are good at, what you like doing and do it.
Are our family members on earth also
our family souls on other planes of existence?
tend to follow each other a few at a time----but each of us have huge families
to fall back on.
and power have nothing to do with being banished to prison earth; people in
poverty and every strata in between are being punished here too.
Are ET waiting for the rest of
humanity to catch up mentally/socially etc. before they allow us to leap of
this planet?
would never make that leap alone, we are being taken there kicking and
a slow and winding process---but everything in its time more or less
will endeavor to amplify individual needs and desires to the fullest extent
that the individual wants to take their weaknesses or strengths to. Be it
greed, envy, hate, philanthropic, benevolent or whatever floats one’s boat.
will let us indulge in whatever we wish to indulge in---if that be stupidity so
be it Are they entertained by our
you entertained when a child falls and gets a boo, boo?
I was
in the army and they threw all kinds of obstacles at us---hated every minute of
it but it sure as heck worked----they managed to turn a bunch of “lazy
hippies”---that’s what they called us back in 1970, into highly trained
individuals capable of surmounting just about any obstacle.
what life is about---getting through obstacles---those who refuse to do it for
whatever reason will get to come back and try again---just like in basic
agenda is no different than that of a drill sergeant---get people trained and
off this camp so that they can fulfil higher duties in other realms.
Syndrome children
(Trisomy 21) is one of those subjects that requires hundreds of pages to
explain properly but here is the short of it anyway.
of these souls are here short term and are not being tested at all, nor are
they here to receive much in the way of what we think makes life
worthwhile---they are the challenge/blessing for those they come into contact
look at some of them it would seem like the worst kind of punishment but it’s
not---for most of them anyway. In many ways they are higher beings because they
straddle both sides of existence at the same time---they have one foot in
heaven and one in hell---so to speak, hell being earth.
of them are working off a minor indiscretion from a previous existence while
tasking others whose lives they were sent into---they are burdens for some and
blessings in disguise for others.
these lower levels separation [with the deceased loved ones] is one of the
painful realities we have to endure---death of loved ones being the
hardest---it’s only short term but it feels like an eternity for those in it.
planet is not going to change, people will, or will not.
man had the right to make boundaries and do the things they did.
no man or woman ever have placed boundaries on others, that’s only an excuse.
is no “meant” in we, everyone has different needs and desires and everyone is
free to pursue those needs and desires at their own pace, we can lead a horse
to water but we can’t make it pee before the race
are billions of reasons that everyone is not on the same page of physical
prosperity, but the main one has nothing to do with physical luxuries---it’s a
spiritual thing---if your spirit’s right then everything else will be
too---that’s the only equalizer.
lose money in Vegas? But did you and they get their money's worth of fun while
you were at it? ---if so then there were no losses, and if not you all gained
experience, everything comes out in the wash.
can’t know what we truly are, most of us are not equipped to handle it all at
once---not without lots of wine from the gods---
chipping away at some of the encrusted ego build-up around our edges is a good
come face to face with most of our challenges every day and how we work through
them or ignore them determines what will come at us the next day.
around trying to figure out the details before they manifest will only drive us
crazy Getting through this life for those who are aware to a certain extent
should be a piece of cake, or is that pie? ---complication is for those who are
not aware and are hiding in their safe bubble created by society to keep them
fast asleep and deep into complications
is living the lives they are aware of but few are aware of why they are living
those lives---and would not believe it even if they were told.
of us have lives behind the curtain of so called “reality” but to what extant
remains off limits---most of the people aware of the kind of recall I talk
about do not tell others for obvious reasons---plus they don’t have the need or
desire to come out.
How we go to a hire up place or we
have to take another assignment if we didn't complete it on earth?
simple basic and cut and dry and no one gets away with anything like some do
here on earth---those who do the crime “will” do the time---no ifs ands or
buts---even those who believe they will be forgiven---which they will be---but
they still have to pay the fine.
people never see the “greatness” in themselves but only see the potential in
your parents are honorable people it would be dishonorable not to follow their
you’re just really confused about a lot of things, it sounds like a good start,
most of the great people in this world had that same problem.
are unique and detached from one another as we are in our human bodies. But we
are bound, connected by a mysterious substance that allows us to remain in
communication even if separated by infinite space, and dimensions. Though much
of the communication seems one way to us here on earth it’s not.
don’t generate our physical being; it is generated for us by higher ups for a
multitude of reasons.
Mankind because of being infected
with certain undesirable entities not of earth in past and present history has
been cleansed by higher beings not of earth but often disguise as human powers.
of us are here on earth to mature emotionally---but we can’t do it in mass, we
are at different levels, and we mature at different rates.
and intelligence are tools the same way a computer is a tool, some people are
more proficient with using them than others, but like computers they add
nothing to our spiritual achievements---they only add to our physical
need to focus on our own faults, they are heavy enough to carry, and focusing
on others and their evils is a distraction that keeps most of us from
is not utopia, and “shared the resources we had” is not for lower planets such
as earth.
need more adversity in their lives than others to get to the same place---we
earn our place in the sun---no one can bribe or cheat their way up the
universal ladder as they can here on earth.
are looking for a Messiah, a savior, a new age to rescue mankind from his or
her own ills, it’s been that way for centuries---we want and need this to
happen to pull us out of our drudgeries
reality is we can only pull ourselves out of our drudgeries---or fall deeper
into them. Why wait for 2012, which is only a number on the calendar, to make
this cataclysmic change in our individual lives? do it today---I know, it’s
easier said than done---and so people will continue to wait for something or
somebody to make this change in their lives for them---fine-
universe we live in has all the time in the world to wait---it’s not going
anywhere, and neither are those who wait for things to happen.
of us know why we are here however we would rather not acknowledge it because
it doesn’t seem to have glamour to it, so we keep searching in all the wrong
places---mostly because of that pesky envy thing.
can be good, keeps us on the right side of the road and out of oncoming
traffic. But then again they also tend to get way more attention than they
deserve---our purpose in this life is to take chances and not always play it
safe---death will catch us in due time---its own time--
can’t escape it or certain fated disasters.
will not be put in those dreaded positions yet they will fret their whole lives
away in fear that they will be---the result is wasted opportunities and wasted
life---why?---I say screw any and all negative fears and feelings and live your
life as if it was a fantastic journey---because then it will be.
or monetary handicaps are not excluded from the fantastic journey because most
of it takes place in the mind/soul.
is going to happen regardless of how we choose to live it---in fear or head on.
attracts us to this crazy stuff is the fact that the crazy stuff is the only
real stuff out there, and down deep inside we all know that to be true---but
few want to be the first to get on the dance floor for fear of ridicule---btw I
hate dancing.
“theatrical production” is for no other reason but to gauge what we are made
brains are designed to filter out most everything but the illusion---that’s why
it’s so difficult to believe in the paranormal---the real stuff---
On a
beautiful sunny day we see blue skies---an illusion which hides all the real
stars that are up there
stars are acceptable; few could handle that kind of disruption in the day sky.
Do we exist in other places,
realities, dimensions at the same "time"? Certainly feels like sometimes but no.
catastrophic has happened to every large body in this solar system repeatedly
over the long history of the planets, so?
people claim to have a purpose in this life “when the time comes” such people
have graced every generation for eons---if true, they should not require
fanfare or publicity, they need only show up at the appointed time and do their
thing---the wise old phrased “actions speak louder than words” applies
problem with those concepts is that no one can save us from ourselves, that
chore remains the exclusive domain of each one of us.
can learn from others but not be saved by others, unless we are talking about
lifeguard, police, fireman, lawyer, etc.
and prognosticators who come to save humanity as a whole---are the only
constants. Along with taxes, death and a few other items I have already
leaders have jobs to do like be mindful of the economy, protection from enemy
attack, and general welfare of those they serve---but their jobs end there.
survival is a good thing but that’s not what this life is about, this life is
about spit shining your soul for the real life that will take place elsewhere.
I was
in the military and some of us put forth the effort and hard work to spit shine
our own booths, some paid others to do the dirty work to spit shined their
booths for them---well when it comes to army booths it really makes no
difference who shines them---but when it comes to building integrity it can
only come from your own effort.
is a powerful tool, and many sick people are healed by plain old sugar pills,
placebos--and that’s the bottom line.
the old days it was called snake oil---and people swore by it too.
Catholics bless their water to give it supernatural powers to heal against
demons---and for those who believe it, it works
ware manipulates water to give it supernatural powers and for those who believe
it, it works.
magic is real for those who believe without an iota of doubt---mind over
matter---now that’s ET technology.
is no “ET evolutionary plan”, they simply provide the tools we need to fix what
is broken within ourselves.
tools are integrity, empathy and good will.
of us buckle when the going gets rough---those never ending life challenges
that can come at us in rapid succession. Those who manage to succeed are those
who steadfast use their tools regardless of the blood sweat and tears that
using those tools may bring.
much easier to throw in the towel and blame someone else for our miserable
why most shiny new tools in our tool boxes that come into this world with us
end up leaving shiny and brand new when we leave this place because many don’t
even bother to open their tool box.
neglect opening that tool box because they mistakenly believe they have some
universal cosmic rights protecting them---for them I suggest the movie “Groundhog
Day”. Simply waiting for those rights to kick in can get monotonous, and will
never happen. Tool boxes are a hassle---they demand so much of us----and the
payoff is so far away. Most tools remain pristine, shiny and new, they get very
little wear and tear---most of us need baby steps to get to where we are going.
hypnotherapy on past life is very inaccurate, they normally fill in the blanks
with nasty probing type materials, and stuff that scares the Bejesus out of
they don’t want people to remember certain stuff human hypnotherapy is not
going to undermine or reverse that
can be dangerous if the hypnotherapist unintentionally introduced phobias into
the person---furthermore, the human subconscious is not a trifle place to mess
around in----there is stuff in there that could melt steal and bring it to a
boil---few humans are qualified to mess with the mind, let alone check under
the hood
some degree we are all selfish assholes, that’s why most of us are here----to
work on that, or something else---but why let others who are further down the
evolutionary ladder bring us down ?---those further up the ladder of
understanding should reach down and help those assholes under us, that’s what
it’s all about---
monks have moved to higher and better places, those who persecuted them are
back on earth going through the ringer again and again----so who were the
winners and losers ?
[ETs] running the show have passed the test, but the endurance test on earth is
for us not them.
Did we humans sign up for this tour
of duty or did we f--k up or are we an experiment, or are we here to discover
all of the above without judgement?
of the above, but that judgment thing snarls many in its sticky web---where
most end up rotting.
Atheism, all the sciences and even political insanities are nothing more than
toys. Designed to amuse us and keep us out of trouble while we are isolated
inside our playpen/prison earth.
don’t mean that as demeaning in anyway and for those who are offended by such
slander on the human “intellect”, they will be put in time out---
who are aware to any degree should sit back and let life happen---but don’t
quit your day job, the mortgage and other bills still need attention.
pays their dues, now or later. Even those rich snobs born with a silver spoon
up their rear-----and the poor snobs who drool with envy because they don’t
have a silver spoon up their rear.
silver spoon thing is a rhetorical statement meaning that the size of one’s
wallet has nothing to do with why we are here and certainly nothing to do with
where we go from here.
most of us get hung up on those “small” distractions and end up with attitude.
really do empathize with those who are struggling to truly understand the
program, and they never laugh when there is sincerity and determination to
they do get a lot of laughs at those people whose egos have bloated up like
balloons and have surpassed the force of gravity to keep their feet firmly on
terra firma---lol
of us come to give our parents a reason for living. Some come for a specific
lessen they will learn from a particular family or the family structure. The
reasons are as numerous as there are people.
of us have crossed paths many times with those we are presently with---that
includes non-family members like friends, neighbors, work associates, and even
we come to: For many it’s a choice but not all who are here had a choice on
family or anything else.
who are here for a specific purpose or reason other than to improve themselves
are not searching---they know what it is they are here to do.
rest of us---the vast majority, are here to fix or rejuvenate ourselves. Once
we do that we become assets rather than drains on those we come into contact
make the world a better place by being better people---if everyone on this
planet was up to speed in a good way, this planet would be a cool place to live
for all. Regardless of our lot in life we all can add our two cents towards a
better world It’s not rocket science or an impossible task to achieve; it’s
simply the removal of hate, envy and ego from our repertoire---dang, that big
word makes it sound so painful---
is a lot of positive material out there for people to read unfortunately most
of us want the gore, the dirt, and the gossip, and the media delivers what is
is worse than the media and our lust for the negative are some of our history
books which keep alive the atrocities of the past like slavery and the
Holocaust of many different peoples in the last hundred years.
can’t live well together when those things are constantly kept on the front
burner and never left to cool off. The next generations of Japanese are now
being primed and stoked over the bombs dropped on their ancestors during WW2.
world leaders get into power by stoking hate in their countries---Hitler and
Stalin brought massive destruction via hate using those simple tactics.
in American will not let the slave issue go away and continue to stoke racial
hatred and division with it. That tactic has driven a huge wedge between the
races in the US---and it will be the source of increasing unrest. For now it
mostly simmers under the surface.
Does the fight against indulging in
negative emotions still feel like crap no matter what and that's what we have
to endure?
on how deep in the crap we are. Many of us have learned to enjoy the adrenalin
rush we get from making others feel bad. Capturing those feeling one at a time
and analyzing why we enjoy hate envy and ego should eventually break one free
of the insidiousness of those plagues.
out from under that cloud life will be enjoyable and not something we have to
succeed you may need to run with a different crowd, whether that crowd is
virtual or physical they have equal influence on how we act and think. Peer
pressure and all the other influences we try to emulate in others so that we
can “fit in” is our biggest obstacle to cleaning up our attic.
This planet is a rat race and a
“dog-eat-dog” world, if it wasn’t then what purpose would it serve?
earth is not utopia, it is a place designed to separate the rats and dogs from
those who don’t wish to live like the rats and dogs.
soul occasionally leave the body, or is removed from the body, from time to
time, and later returned into it, before and after use by these 'higher
entities' ? Souls can acquiesce to
higher and lower souls for certain periods.
I want to be able to have total
awareness of all I have read, heard and thought in my consciousness at all
times - even in this short lifetime. Is this something we can accomplish in the
here and now?
brain is willing and has the capacity to perform what you asked but it’s not
allowed--without giving something else up---the tradeoff is not worth it and I
advise against pushing that envelop too far. There are mysteries that are not
for us to indulge in at this level of existence---and there are entities that
break rules and deliver mischief---sometimes irreversible mischief.
of our emotions are “hormonal”. Our physical bodies are affected by what we eat
and our environment to a certain degree.
our core emotions are “software” loaded into our brains---our soul is also
software loaded into our brains.
emotions are software loaded into our hard drive. We chose what software to
run, and how much time we spend in those programs.
are simply soul software that we choose to access via our action.
are not emotions, but how we think creates emotions. Sometimes we overdo it in
the thinking department. Best to relax and find something we enjoy doing.
Everything will fall into place on its own, no need to bring it down upon us.
people fear death because it is “unknown”
we don’t know we fear, we are suspicious creatures by design---the Tower of
Babble thing.
human since the beginning of time has been “chipped”, biologically chipped that
everyone wants to work together, we all have unique minds ideas and
desires---so whose ideas take precedence over the others?
are created unique for a reason----to be different---we are not cattle or
zombies, or worker bees.
peace is not in the cards for this planet anytime soon, although that idea
sells because everyone yearns for world peace---we can attain individual peace
for ourselves but can’t give it to others---it is an individual thing.
only thing that “could” work in certain [desperate] situations is people asking
which ever god believe in to help a person or a family---- The more the better,
it’s a numbers game.
that have good souls usually have other good souls around them
can work even if his number is up---but only if there are many requests to keep
a person here.
what you can, every little bit helps.
of our situations are our own doing whether we see that or not---we pay for
things we did in this life and other lives.
game plan is what you see unfolding---people are not alone, they have entities
all around them who understand the world much better than any human can.
on this planet has always been a hellhole for a large portion of those sent
here----if we could see why some of us were sent here we would understand
better some of the atrocities people find themselves trapped in.
don’t see that because then few of us would step up and help others worse off
than us. And we are here to help anyone we can without judging them.
of us come into this world with an itinerary in place, but we can deviate from
it by the choices we make---all choices have consequences, some will shorten
our lives others will lengthen them.
we experience be it good or bad is paid for in full by us----nothing is free we
earn our good times and our bad times.
a lesson and paying for damages done to self and others can have carry over
charges. Many things are not settled at the exit door, sometimes people leave
with a huge tab that will be paid in full at some other point in their
Has ET ever interfered with the
outcome of a sporting event? Well, don’t tell this to your bookie but yes they interfere
is no learning process while we are 'dead' ---that’s why every second of this
life or any life is important---yet few believe that.
a life is a very bad thing---but that’s info that they don’t want out there, so
keep it to yourself.
who fail to give it their all by taking short cuts or cutting corners when they
don’t have to, those who have talent and don’t use it, those who let
opportunities slip away again and again.
of us know what we are capable of, but we get lazy.
Earth as a war planet... for warriors
to mend their attitudes or to play out the war game for fun and profit?
immerse in the stench of the blood and gore, left over cravings from times
past. However most of us are only armchair warriors for now---
over matter brings things our souls yearn even when we are unaware of the
specifics of what we want and need.
who are wasting their lives are unconcerned about it and remain mostly unaware
that they are.
and stalling is no biggie and neither is going from one failure to the next---because
there is no failure---unless failure breaks you and you stop trying.
who are happy and content and make those around them happy that they have known
them have achieved everything that is important in this life---and can coast
all of us are here to struggle---yet even those who are here to struggle, they
can break their chains with the tools everyone receives when they are dumped
here, if only they would open their tool box and use the tools.
'tool boxes' that all humans have access to:
have every tool in the universe at our disposal between our ears---
these “real” tools we can do and achieve anything our little heart’s desire. We
can build and we can tear down, we can be virtuous or hateful to our fellow
companions on this rock. Unfortunately many leave this life without ever
opening their tool box ----they were never bad but never good either---they did
just enough to get by each day and ended up wasting a whole stinking life---
are not here to walk on water and be the greatest thing since sliced
bread---but the very least we can do is try to enjoy this life and show some
appreciation for it---yet for some even that is asking too much.
are all “good” at something, and most of us know what we are good at---that’s
the clue on what you should concentrate your efforts on.
can alter anything about ourselves with pure will---but few believe it
possible---the stronger your will, the greater your success---all humans have
super powers locked inside their heads---and unfortunately that’s where they
stay for most---unused.
any assignment is a huge gamble but life is a gamble---we never know what we
are capable of until we jump into the water. If we knew what lay behind every
corner there would be no adventure no danger, no learning, no courage---and
courage is important.
we need do it all while keeping the flame of integrity from burning out
---that’s the biggest challenge---and few make it over that one hurdle---
integrity nothing counts---courage, good looks, magnetic personality, aptitude,
success---and all the prayers in the world---will not put Humpty Dumpty
together again--without the glue of integrity that is
me for sounding like a broken record---
planet is powered by the two pistons of hate and love---we chose which piston
we wish to fire behind---regardless of which country we live in.
and countries are simply pens---earth is “one zoo” with many cages for
different types of animals---each with different diets and requirements.
who show appreciation get more of what they appreciate and enjoy having in
their lives.
level of compassion determines the level we have attained to---true compassion
is rare on planets like earth because most of us down here are mostly
interested in “what’s in it for me”---not what can I do for you-- with no
strings attached---
Kennedy once said, “Ask not what your country can do for you but what can you
do for your country” ----those words made no sense back then and they certainly
don’t make any sense now.
people back then as most people today are only concerned in “What can my
country do for me”
ability for us mere mortals to forgive other mortals is the greatest gift of
all---when we forgive we lift a load off our shoulders---something even god
can’t do for us.
helps the forgiver----hate is a cancer on the soul and is one of the few things
in this universe that can actually destroy the soul.
humans don’t quite understand that forgiveness is a gift to us and not a gift
to the person or persons who are being forgiven.
we hold a grudge of hate it's like holding a hot poker and it burns our soul
and makes us miserable. When we don’t forgive we are in fact punishing
ourselves because we are the ones suffering internal pain
wrong that is done will be paid in full, perhaps not in this life but
definitely in the next lives and there could be many lives for the slow pokes.
It is
not our job to hold a grudge, nor is it in our power to deliver vengeance to
those who have done us wrong because if we do vengeance will have us for
let the steam rise, get it out of the system, and then let that lion go away
before it turns on you.
is part of the package of this life here on earth, and everyone receives it no
matter what they do---but we still have to pay the fine---and sometimes that
can be a hefty price to pay.
is not required but advisable.
act of forgiving is a gift to the forgiver and they benefit by having a burden
lifted off them. If we don’t forgive we are harboring hate, when we give hate a
foothold in our lives our lives become skewed and off balance. Hate in any form
is poison to the soul. Enough poison and the soul may never recover.
Humility is the purging of ego and arrogance.
Understanding is a rare commodity.
Valor is what we are down here to
prove---to ourselves.
How can a person gain beauty and
What would one have to give up to
have it all?
you have it all you obviously haven’t given up anything. Milton has it all yet
he still is ugly---sorry Miltie
you find friends, be sure to ask if they will be there when you really need
you are trying to understand it all forget it. Earth’s so called greatest minds
are spinning too trying to understand the illusion of physics----bless their
hearts, they know not what they are up against.
humans have cultures and there are many similar planets, and like earth they
are not free to stray very far from their playpen—planets.
have this concept that we are at the center of the universe---and perhaps
trailblazers---all we need is Star Trek technology and we will save the
universe from the Klingons----and then perhaps hobnob with other intelligent
life forms as ourselves as we travel across the galaxy.
the grand illusion of us children inside of our playpen---and our leaders need
to keep that illusion alive---can you blame them?
Is not to become like the gods what
we are meant to do, i.e.: graduate from this solar system to the big boys?
it is, but that’s not what they teach in schools and places of worship---those
biblical metaphors had their purposes and so does most of the illusion humanity
continues to live under today.
reason life feels like punishment for many of us is because it is. Time only
speeds up when we are having fun---so try and have some fun whenever you can
rat race has always belonged to the rats---but no one is forced to be a rat,
simply step out of the line and become human---it all starts in the head, we
are what we think we are, we become what we most despise in others---because of
hate and envy.
institutions and leaders for our woes is a sucker's game---a trap---that keeps
millions of people enslaved to hate---and hate is what drags souls to the
living hell that exists mostly between the ears.
planet wasn’t really seeded----containers (human bodies) were created and souls
shoved into them---to put it mildly---that slap on the behind is only part of
the reason we wail after our first breath of earthly air. It’s also the very
moment our past memories are put into storage.
humans on earth are from other star systems in this galaxy---and are brought here
by entities in the “maintenance department”.
entities that are way up the scale of existence can travel intergalactic.
of us have a large amount of knowledge concerning the big picture and how we
individually fit into it----inside our subconscious minds; the rest is kept off
have limited access to that stuff mostly because our plate is full with the
“now”, which is more important
they let out morsels now and then for those able to pick up on the clues. Which
some of us are drowning in and yet remain clueless---and I’m talking about the
hardcore sceptics.
never gets old---even here on earth---but comparing what we have here on earth
to things above can’t be done from this perspective--- We don’t need pain to
appreciate not having it, I certainly don’t.
those higher up are aware of the turmoil that exists on planets such as
earth---and they are free to enter such planets and situations as they
choose---and some do for a multitude of reasons---mostly to help out.
Why call these lessons if you’ll
forget them next life?
most lessons are for this life and past lives---nevertheless, everything we do
and experienced is stored away and some will have access to it all, once off
this planet.
are given one soul one life to look out for---most of us couldn’t possibly
handle more than one. Those who concern themselves with how others live their
lives are stepping into shoes they have no knowledge about---and certainly have
no ability or authority to judge.
one gets a free ticket regardless of their lot in life---rich or
poor---everyone will pay the same amount in this life or other lives before
they are allowed to move up.
things rub off on to us from our parents but our true abilities come in with
us---they are gifts---those who don’t have gifts or fail to discover them will
have to learn how to do other things while here.
Who are the creators of our
is no shortage of entities wanting to take credit for that---and there are many
who were and are still involved. Who made our containers is imprinted in our
DNA. Each container is custom built for each soul.
is no such thing as evolution.
What about the find, which show our
progression from ape to man?
found lots of ape skulls---and the gullible public don’t know any better but to
take their word for it---after all, they are the experts--- ---and natural
selection is nothing but a joke.
is a myth and a bad myth at that. Every creature has within it the power to
adapt too many situations in its designed environment----but they also have the
lazy gene, and therefore many do not adapt and parish.
is one of the big pillars holding up the illusions that make life worth living
and is not going away anytime soon if ever.
of us can tell anyone what to think---everyone will make that decision on their
own, it’s part of the bureaucracy on this planet---most will go with the
flow---the easy stuff, because it’s easy.---religious institutions and
governments have set up many easy to understand concepts that any hairless ape
can make their own.
What we believe makes no difference
at all; if it did there would be no hope for this planet It’s not what we
believe but how we handle our life and the situation we find ourselves in that
is important.
has the telepathic chip in their head we are born with it. That’s how the
“gods” hear our thoughts.
of us can pick up hints of other people’s thoughts---most just don’t know it.
Our brains are like computers they have many capabilities that the average
person will never figure out how to use.
will notch up on consciousness a little while on earth.
Are we on a point system, do we get
'brownie points' while on earth?
Can we trade them in for
have no redeemable cash value but they do add up for frequent flyer miles if
you get my drift ----there is only one catch those who think they have brownie
points usually don’t---we can’t do something strictly for the benefit of doing
it---we must be better for the sake of others and never for ourselves---and
that’s a tough hoop to jump through.
so, where do I go to find out how many points I have under my belt so far?
have to go straight into the mouth of the hungry dragon---inside what we call
UFOs. A place where we can easily get chewed up and spit out from if not ready.
Are humans monitored 24/7?
let us take potty breaks alone but everything else is fair game---we are never
alone--scary for those who believe all their evil thoughts remain hidden in
their skulls.
enlightenment is different.
There is a theory that our earth
tectonics happened because the earth increased in size...any take on that?
earth grows in size every second because of the tons of dust, space debris, and
solar energy that falls onto it nonstop. All that new mass puts more pressure
on the interior and the continents spread out like love handles.
Why is it that no good deed goes
unpunished? Are we upsetting some kind
of balance?
we think it a good deed don’t make it so---
you can see the stains on your own soul you are ahead of the crowd---but even
though we are forgiven for most of our faults past and present we still have to
do the time---pay the price. But how much hell you need go through while doing
your time is left in your hands---it really is not rocket science---grab hate
and envy by the balls if you have to and get rid of it. Then work on your ego.
know it is easier said than done---so start out slow---but it’s your life---and
you have to decide how much hell you wish to live in and for how long.
is a fine line between punishment and some other stuff that I can’t address
now---but skin color or culture is not a tag of what people are made of or why
they are here.
Aren't we all connected?
In a
roundabout way like distant cousins but the immediate family have certain
aspects--energies that pertain to that nucleus in the here and now.
has already been done; nothing we “discover” in our labs is new---just like a
child who draws a masterpiece believes that they are the first to do so.
there is nothing wrong with believing we are the originators of our
intelligence---it’s kind of cute
not popular to be nice---because misery loves company---lots of company.
world doesn’t have any problems to fix---the problems are between the ears of
many humans who are down here---that’s why we humans are down here---the earth
is like a hospital for the mentally impaired---me for instance---
people are fixed up they get transferred to other places, but if they need more
extensive work they are shifted to other departments here on earth or sent back
to other places who may have the expertise that is not available here on earth.
I’m not talking with the rocks and the leaves but other humans I kind of try to
focus on what humans are doing here---the rocks, leaves, animals and insects
are not being tested and are not really an issue that concerns human souls.
human pain and suffering is mostly due to the fact that most people don’t
believe they are any more important than the rocks---but we are.
Why do our bodies need the sun if
they are just illusions?
illusions also need food water and air to remain alive---if we cut those things
out our illusion will cease and we die, and we will enter into a state of
reality---at least for a short time until some of us get stuffed back into
another illusion.
If we all have a blueprint then why
is it necessary to know that, we can carry on living this existence none the
most do just that---and will continue to do so regardless of what I or others
write or say.
If we are not supposed to know, why
are you telling us with their blessing?
Most teachers
give the answers or a variation of the answers before the test---no one needs
pay any attention.
are dropped all around us like rain---notice how we react when it rains?
info has always been poured out but many are too busy in their own egos to
in the universe is for “our” pleasure alone---but no one has to like their
gifts, they can throw them away like the week after Christmas.
might say that it was barbaric to watch animals eat other animals---yes it was
and is--and we humans do it every day still---we are now at the top of that
animal food chain and loving it
animals are nothing but machines it’s not really a big deal---
there are other reasons for our bloodthirsty appetites that I can’t go into
we decide which harrowing new rollercoaster we get put on---by our actions in
the here and now---so choose wisely the level of your poison.
past and present mystics are not human
consciousness can go wherever they desire---while maintaining a presence here
on earth---talk about two faced.
How many lifetimes until we are free
of the human experience?
less than fifty---and the sky is the limit---but there is a cut-off and a
really big dumpster.
I wonder often..who are in charge of the gods? who or what is the ultimate authority within all of existence? My mind Can't take this lol